



Implemented analyses

  • MurCSS - Calculates and plots the decadal prediction assessment of accuracy and spread (by INTEGRATION)

-> see INTEGRATION Standardised Evaluation Summary Report and Publication (in preparation)

  • A tool that calculates the mean squared skill score and its decompositions (correlation and conditional bias). The tool follows the method described by Goddard et al. [2013]. Both the MSSS of a single model and the MSESS "between" two models (model versions) are calculated for different leadtimes as well as the spread assessment (CRPSS).
  • LeadtimeSelect - Selects different leadtimes from decadal experiments (by INTEGRATION)
    • Tool to select different leadtimes from decadal experiments using Solr_search. Result is a new NetCDF file containing the selected leadtimes.
  • ETCCDI - Precipitation indices from the Expert Team (ET) on Climate Change Detection and Indices (by VESPA)
    • The plugin calculates indices defined by the joint CCl/CLIVAR/JCOMM Expert Team(ET) on Climate Change Detection and Indices (ETCCDI). So far only the precipitation based indices are included. For more information about the indices see and the references. Station data and output from regional models with 2D coordinates are not yet supported.
      Karl, T.R., N. Nicholls, and A. Ghazi, 1999: CLIVAR/GCOS/WMO workshop on indices and indicators for climate extremes: Workshop summary. Climatic Change, 42, 3-7.
      Peterson, T.C., and Coauthors: Report on the Activities of the Working Group on Climate Change Detection and Related Rapporteurs 1998-2001. WMO, Rep. WCDMP-47, WMO-TD 1071, Geneve, Switzerland, 143pp.
      Peterson, T.C., 2005: Climate Change Indices. WMO Bulletin, 54 (2), 83-86
  • Monsoon - Process oriented evaluation of the West African Monsoon system. (by VESPA)
    • The Monsoon-Plugin provides large scale process oriented evaluation of the
      West African Monsoon System. Analyzed components are:
      - Position of the ITCZ
      - Activity of African Easterly Waves
      - Position and strength of the Saharan Heat Low
      - Low Level moisture flux into the continent
      - Static stability in the upper troposphere


  • VADY - Validation of Atmospheric Dynamics (by VADY)
    • A tool that evaluates classified dynamical modes / circulation types of the atmosphere concerning the frequency of occurrence, time coefficients and within-mode characteristics (e. g. vorticity, intensity). The user has to choose i.a. the classification method (e.g. PCA, cluster methods), the region and season of interest and the level for evaluation. Please note: The current version on the MiKlip Server is still a Beta Version (send comments to ). Coming soon: Evaluation of large-scale teleconnectivity (e.g. NAO, PNA).
  • ZYKPAK - Cyclone tracking tool (by EnsDiVal, MesoTel and INTEGRATION)
    • A tool that objectively locates and tracks mid-latitude cyclones (based on Murray & Simmonds, 1991). The current version on the MiKlip Server is still a Beta Version! It has included a dynamical namelist(default: NH, 0.75), dynamical time range (default: oct-mar) and dynamical orography (default: echam5) .Everyone is welcome to join the rerange of the system. For now INTEGRATION helped to install it and speed it up, runs now up to 20 times faster than normal, with just some rearrange of the scripts. If you're interested to see how to adapt that "speedup" to your tool/script, check out the GIT, open an ISSUE or email us!
  • DSI - Calculates the Dynamic State Index (by VESPA and INTEGRATION).
    • The DSI was invented by Nevir,2004 and is able to diagnose and localize all non-stationary, diabatic and frictional processes of the weather and climate system. For this, the DSI only needs the fields of temperature, geopotential height and the three wind-components on at least two mutual pressure levels.
  • WTRACK - Tracking algorithm for wind extremes in the MiKlip database (by EnsDiVal & INTEGRATION)
    • A tool that objectively identifies and tracks fields of extreme wind speeds (introduced by Leckebusch et al., 2008). Contiguous areas of wind speeds exceeding certain thresholds (e.g. local climatological percentiles, potentially calculated by the PERCENTILE tool) are identified, checked for a minimum size and tracked over consecutive time steps. The tracking is based on a nearest-neighbor scheme, considering a maximum translation velocity. The version, installed on the MiKlip server is revision 167 of the algorithm, as developed at the Institute of Meteorology of Freie Universität Berlin. An application of this tool for the MiKlip data is to be found in the study of Kruschke et al. (2014b; "Probabilistic evaluation of Northern Hemisphere winter storm frequencies in the MiKlip decadal prediction system"), in preparation for the special issue "Verification and process oriented validation of the MiKlip decadal prediction system" to be published in Meteor. Z.
  • PERCENTILE - Calculates multiple percentiles for analyses. (by INTEGRATION)
    • A tool that calculates percentile netcdf files using the MiKlip database. It is possible to make different percentiles at one, choosing your own regions, and mix up uas- and vas-wind components for wind percentiles.
  • RelDiag - Tool to plot reliability diagrams. (by EnsDiVal)
    • Plots reliability diagrams (by EnsDiVal), illustrating reliability, resolution and uncertainty of decadal experiments with respect to a reference (e.g., observation):
      The observed frequency given a forecast probability is plotted against the forecast probability.
      You can either use your own input and reference files or set the leadtimeselector flag to True to select model, variable, etc.
  • MoviePlotter - Plots 2D lon/lat movies in GIF format (by INTEGRATION)
    • A tool that plots all variables of a netCDF file along its time axis into an animated GIF. It is possible to plot regional files, as well as selected regions from global files. The ability to plot multiple variables into a synchronized collage makes it much easier to understand the temporal development of different variables.
  • DiffPlotter - Plots difference between two netCDF files (by INTEGRATION)
    • A tool that plots the difference of two netCDF Files. Therefore the higher resoluted data is automatically remapped using the other files grid and plotted next to each other. Also you find the difference of these two fields and a Taylor plot, which allows a more specific analysis. If the two files have more then one timestep, the tool has the ability to make mean fields or to plot over time into an animated gif.
  • PCA - Principle Component Analysis (by C.Blume and INTEGRATION)
    • A tool that does multiple eofs, incl. eigenvectors, eigenvalues and principle components. It has the ability to weight the area, make a bootstrap error estimate and a reprojection to a physical field. The output is a netCDF file and some basic plots helping to combine the informations of the principle component analysis
  • VeCAP (by [[miklip:VeCAP]]) - Calculates different statistical analyses (metrics, scores, skill scores)
  • STORMTRACK (by INTEGRATION) - A tool for calculating the standard deviation of bandpassfiltered geopotential height anomalies or air pressure at sea level anomalies using the MiKlip database.

Implemented features

  • History
    • Every analysis being run is stored in a db (at this time is user dependent and not central)
    • The complete configuration can be viewed and stored into a file
    • The output files' status are stored and verified when requesting the full configuration entry, which allows to see if the file is still available and wasn't modified.
  • Configuration
    • Simple definition of configuration parameters vie the metadict object.
    • User default configuration for each tool.
    • Load/save/use external configurations files.
  • Help
    • The tool help is based on the defined configurations and can be extended by the plugin.

Planned analyses

  • TaylorPlotter (by INTEGRATION) - Shows model development of different stages over different variables
  • IndexPlotter (by INTEGRATION) - Calculates multiple climate indices of a climate model in reference to reanalyses
  • ClimVal (by [[miklip:ClimValDiagTool|CLIMVAL]]) - Calculates different climate analyses and e.g. the Gleckler metrics


Kadow, C., S. Illing, O. Kunst, H. W. Rust, H. Pohlmann, W. A. Müller, U. Cubasch "Evaluation of Forecasts by Accuracy and Spread in the MiKlip Decadal Climate Prediction System" - submitted to MetZ Special Issue "MiKlip"