module load evaluation_system
analyze --tool reldiag --help
RelDiag (v1.0.0): Plots reliability diagrams (by EnsDiVal), illustrating reliability, resolution and uncertainty of decadal experiments with respect to a reference (e.g., observation): The observed frequency given a forecast probability is plotted against the forecast probability. You can either use your own input and reference files or set the leadtimeselector flag to True to select model, variable, etc. Options: outputdir (default: $USER_OUTPUT_DIR/$SYSTEM_DATETIME) Choose the output directory. plotdir (default: $USER_PLOTS_DIR/$SYSTEM_DATETIME) Choose the plot directory. cache (default: $USER_CACHE_DIR/$SYSTEM_TIMESTAMP) Choose the cache directory. cacheclear (default: True) Option switch to clear the cache. filehead (default: <undefined>) Choose the file path/file-name head of the input data. MANDATORY if the leadtimeselector is not used. All files "filehead*" will be considered. refhead (default: <undefined>) Choose the file path/file-name head of the reference data. MANDATORY if the leadtimeselector is not used. If this is more than one file (e.g., when selecting two lead times), all files "refhead*" will be merged into one time series. lonlatbox (default: -180,180,-90,90) Choose region to produce time series (field mean) from the input and reference data. reflonlatbox (default: <undefined>) Choose optional region for an anomaly calculation: The time series (field mean) from this box will be subtracted from the time series from the lonlatbox. Maybe useful to remove a (global) trend, etc. bins (default: 11) Choose number of bins for the forecast probabilities. Use 0 (zero) for no binning. Number of ensemble members plus one might be a good choice as it provides disjunct classes. threshold (default: timmean IFILE) Choose threshold arguments forwarded to cdo. Use the wildcard strings IFILE and TSTEPS for any file in your input path and number of timesteps in the files, respectively. Examples: "add -timmean IFILE -timstd IFILE" to set the threshold to the mean plus one standard deviation or "runpctl,50,TSTEPS IFILE" to set the threshold to the median. leadtimeselector (default: False) Option switch to use the leadtimeselector. leadtimes (default: <undefined>) Leadtimes to analyze (comma separated list possible). variable (default: <undefined>) Choose variable to analyze (CMOR). model (default: <undefined>) Choose model of experiment, e.g. MPI-ESM-LR. project (default: <undefined>) Choose project, e.g. baseline0, baseline1, prototype. institute (default: <undefined>) Choose institute of experiment, e.g. MPI-M. product (default: <undefined>) Choose product, e.g. output1, output. ensembles (default: <undefined>) Comma separated list of ensemble members. Use * for all members. time_frequency (default: <undefined>) Chose frequency of the input data, e.g. mon, yr, day. decadals (default: <undefined>) Comma separated lists of decadal experiments. observation (default: <undefined>) Observation to compare. I.e. merra or hadcrut3v. You can also specify a path to your observation file.
example on command line:
analyze --tool reldiag leadtimeselector=True variable=tos leadtimes=1 model=mpi-esm-lr project=baseline0 institute=mpi-m product=output1 ensembles=r1i1p1,r2i1p1,r3i1p1 time_frequency=mon decadals=1960:2010 observation=ersst bins=4 lonlatbox=-80,0,0,60 reflonlatbox=-180,180,-60,60