module load evaluation_system
analyze --tool monsoon --help
Monsoon (v0.1.9): The Monsoon-Plugin provides large scale process oriented evaluation of the West African Monsoon System. Analyzed components are: - Position of the ITCZ - Activity of African Easterly Waves - Position and strength of the Saharan Heat Low - Low Level moisture flux into the continent - Static stability in the upper troposphere THE PLUGIN IS STILL UNDER DEVELPOMENT, SO FAR ONLY THE ITCZ ANALYSIS IS INCLUDED! Options: output (default: $USER_OUTPUT_DIR) The place where all output files are stored. output_plot (default: $USER_PLOTS_DIR) The place where all created plots are stored. decadals (default: <undefined>) Specify the experiments you want to use. I.e. 1960,1965,1970,..,1995. Or you can write 1960:5:1995 project (default: <undefined>) [mandatory] BASELINE0, BASELINE1, CMIP5 or PROJECTDATA institute (default: <undefined>) [mandatory] I.e. mpi-m model (default: <undefined>) [mandatory] Model to analyze experiment (default: <undefined>) [mandatory] Prefix for experiments. I.e. "decs4e" or "decadal" product (default: *) Product to analyze ensembles (default: *) Here you can specify which ensemble members you want to use. Please insert a comma separated list. time_frequency (default: <undefined>) The time_frequency of the input data to use. Default(ITCZ) = "day", Default(AEW) = "6hr" dryrun (default: False) Set to "True" to get a list of commands but without execution. Directories are also not created. group_plots_by (default: index) Structure of the output plot directory. Valid values: index, output. index = one subdirectory per index; output = one subdirectory per output file. analysis_type (default: ITCZ) The requested analysis. ITCZ = position of ITCZ based on precipitation maximum ; AEW = Activity of African Easterly Waves based and meridional wind component.
Monsoon, ITCZ Position Departure Läufe:
analyze --tool monsoon project=baseline0 institute=KIT model=CCLM-4-21-2 decadals=2000 experiment=decadal
Monsoon, ITCZ Position Baseline1, MPI-ESM-LR:
analyze --tool monsoon project=baseline1 institute=MPI-M model=MPI-ESM-LR decadals=2000 experiment=* analysis_type=ITCZ
Monsoon, AEW-Aktivität Baseline1, MPI-ESM-LR:
analyze --tool monsoon project=baseline1 institute=MPI-M model=MPI-ESM-LR decadals=2000 experiment=* analysis_type=AEW
Monsoon, AEW-Aktivität ERA-Intermin:
analyze --tool monsoon project=reanalysis institute=ECMWF model=IFS decadals=2000 experiment=eraint analysis_type=AEW
Monsoon, ITCZ-Position TRMM:
analyze --tool monsoon project=observations institute=nasa-gsfc time_frequency=day experiment=trmm model=* decadals=2000