


module load evaluation_system

analyze --tool vady --help

VADY (v1.0.0): VADY evaluation program for the MiKlip database
outputdir  (default: $USER_OUTPUT_DIR)
           Choose the output directory
cache      (default: $USER_CACHE_DIR/$SYSTEM_TIMESTAMP)
           Choose the cache directory
cacheclear (default: True)
           Option switch to NOT clear the cache
inputdir   (default: /scratch/b380076/data/)
           Choose the input path to data
input      (default: BASELINE1)
           Choose generation of MiKlip model system
              available: BASELINE0 or BASELINE1
method     (default: PCA)
           Choose classification method:
              PCA = S-mode Principal Component Analysis;
              GWT = GrossWetter-Types (only available for region 3);
              SAN = Simulated ANnealing and Diversified RAndomisation
                    cluster analysis;
              DKM = K-Means clustering with Dissimilar seeds
ncl        (default: 10)
           Choose number of classes (necessary for SAN, GWT and DKM, possible
           for PCA)
exv        (default: 0.0)
           Choose explained variance [in %] as criterion for number of extracted
           PCs (possible for PCA instead of option "ncl")
selyear    (default: 4)
           Choose prediction year of decadal runs for evaluation to be processed
              available: 0-10 (give a single year "selyear=2", a year list
              "selyear=3,5" or make all years inbetween "selyear=2:5")
level      (default: 500)
           Choose level [in hPa]
              available: 1000,925,850,700,500,300,200,20,0
season     (default: JJA)
           Choose season:
              DJF = winter(12,01,02)
              MAM = spring(03,04,05)
              JJA = summer(06,07,08)
              SON = autumn(09,10,11)
hour       (default: 12)
           Choose one hour/timestep for evaluation
              available: 00,06,12,18
ntasks     (default: 24)
           Choose number of tasks on machine, max 24
region     (default: 3)
           Choose region for evaluation:
              1 = northern hemisphere
              2 = southern hemisphere
              3 = North Atlantic region