



module load evaluation_system

analyze --tool vecap --help

VeCAP (v0.0.2): Verification, Calibration and Assessment of Predictability of medium-range climate predictions.
cache                 (default: $USER_CACHE_DIR/$SYSTEM_DATETIME)
                      Need to be in your own memory. Serves as a clipboard
outdir_path           (default: $USER_OUTPUT_DIR/$SYSTEM_DATETIME)
                      The default output directory of the MiKlip Evaluation
b0orb1                (default: b1)
                      Choose b0 or b1 data, default: b1
yz                    (default: no)
                      average over xy yes or no, default: no
hind_cast_or_hist     (default: hind_cast)
                      Choose hind_cast or hist, default: hind_cast
lmormr                (default: LR)
                      Choose LR or MR, default: LR
sphere                (default: atmos)
                      Choose atmos or ocean, default: atmos
ja                    (default: 1982)
                      Choose start year of analysis, boundary condition for time
                      period 1979-2012: min(ja)=1979+nt-1, default: 1982
je                    (default: 2012)
                      Choose end year of analysis, boundary condition for time
                      period 1979-2012: max(je)=2012, default: 2012
leadyear              (default: 2)
                      Choose first predicted year to be selected, default: 2
nt                    (default: 4)
                      Number of years to be averaged starting with selected year
                      yeark, default: 4
nrun                  (default: 10)
                      Number of runs, default: 10
variable              (default: zg)
                      Choose variable
sellev                (default: yes)
                      select levels yes/no (no for surface data)
levels                (default: 20000,50000,85000)
                      Choose levels, default: 20000,50000,85000, possibilities:
detrend               (default: no)
                      Choose yes or no, default: no
observations          (default: yes)
                      Choose yes or no, default: yes
run_anova             (default: no)
                      Performs analysis of variance (ANOVA). Measures coherence
                      of model predictions. Needs only model data. Treatment:
                      prediction year.
run_yzanova           (default: no)
                      Performs analysis of variance (ANOVA) for meridional-
                      height-cross sections (yz). Measures coherence of model
                      predictions. Needs only model data. Treatment: prediction
run_bianova           (default: no)
                      Performs bivariate analysis of variance.
run_rms               (default: no)
                      Performs RMS-Statistics (mean square error skill score,
                      correlations, basics: means, differences, standard
                      deviations ..).
run_yzrms             (default: no)
                      Performs RMS-Statistics (mean square error skill score,
                      correlations, basics: means, differences, standard
                      deviations ..) for meridional-height-cross sections (yz).
run_slp_index         (default: no)
                      Performs NAO (North Atlantic -),AAO (Antarctic -),NPO
                      (Noth Pacific -) and SOI (Southern Oscillation) index
                      tests from psl. Only possible for the variable psl (sea
                      level pressure).
run_eof               (default: no)
                      Performs EOF (empirical orthogonal function)
                      analyses,correlations,Student-t-tests of amplitudes model
                      versus observation. Select below: lona,lone,lata,late
run_yz_eof            (default: no)
                      Performs EOF (empirical orthogonal function) analyses for
                      meridional-height-cross sections
                      (yz):correlations,Student-t-tests of amplitudes model
                      versus observation. Select below: lata,late
run_talagrand         (default: no)
                      Performs talagrand diagrams (i.e. analysis rank
bias_corr_talagrand   (default: yes)
                      If talagrand diagrams are perfomed, model data can be bias
                      corrected beforehand. Choose yes or no, default: yes
run_yztalagrand       (default: no)
                      Performs talagrand diagrams (i.e. analysis rank
                      histograms) for height-cross sections of zonally averaged
                      variables (yz).
bias_corr_yztalagrand (default: yes)
                      If talagrand diagrams for yz are perfomed, model data can
                      be bias corrected beforehand. Choose yes or no, default:
run_betascore         (default: no)
                      Performs betascores as a function of latitude and for
                      every gridpoint.
bias_corr_bs          (default: yes)
                      If betascores are perfomed, model data can be bias
                      corrected beforehand. Choose yes or no, default: yes
run_yzbetascore       (default: no)
                      Performs betascores for height-cross sections of zonally
                      averaged variables (yz)
bias_corr_yzbs        (default: yes)
                      If betascores (yz) are perfomed, model data can be bias
                      corrected beforehand. Choose yes or no, default: yes
run_crpss             (default: no)
                      Performs continuous ranked probability score (crps) for
                      every gridpoint and its skill score (crpss) for every
                      gridpoints and as a function of latitude.
bias_corr_crps        (default: yes)
                      If crpss is performed, model data can be bias corrected
                      beforehand. Choose yes or no, default: yes
run_yzcrpss           (default: no)
                      Performs continuous ranked probability score (crps) for
                      every gridpoint and its skill score (crpss) for every
                      gridpoints for height-cross sections of zonally averaged
                      variables (yz).
bias_corr_yzcrps      (default: yes)
                      If crpss (yz) is performed, model data can be bias
                      corrected beforehand. Choose yes or no, default: yes
run_ess               (default: no)
                      Performs ensemble spread score (ess) for every gridpoint
                      and as a function of latitude.
bias_corr_ess         (default: yes)
                      If ess is performed, model data can be bias corrected
                      beforehand. Choose yes or no, default: yes
run_yzess             (default: no)
                      Performs ensemble spread score (ess) for every gridpoint
                      for height-cross sections of zonally averaged variables
bias_corr_yzess       (default: yes)
                      If ess (yz) is performed, model data can be bias corrected
                      beforehand. Choose yes or no, default: yes
run_reliab            (default: no)
                      Performs reliability classifications out of the
                      reliability diagram, brier skill score and area under ROC
                      curve - anaylses for every gridpoint.
bias_corr_reliab      (default: yes)
                      If reliab is performed, model data can be bias corrected
                      beforehand. Choose yes or no, default: yes
p_thr                 (default: 0.5)
                      If reliab is performed, a threshold value between 0 and 1
                      has to be defined to calculate forecast probabilities (out
                      of the ensemble) and binary events (out of the
                      observations). Default: 0.5
run_yzreliab          (default: no)
                      Performs reliability classifications out of the
                      reliability diagram, brier skill score and area under ROC
                      curve for height-cross sections of zonally averaged
                      variables (yz) - anaylses for every gridpoint.
bias_corr_yzreliab    (default: yes)
                      If reliab (yz) is performed, model data can be bias
                      corrected beforehand. Choose yes or no, default: yes
yz_p_thr              (default: 0.5)
                      If reliab (yz) is performed, a threshold value between 0
                      and 1 has to be defined to calculate forecast
                      probabilities (out of the ensemble) and binary events (out
                      of the observations). Default: 0.5
nx                    (default: 192)
                      number of gridpoints in x-direction; in case of yz=yes nx
                      is forced to 1
ny                    (default: 96)
                      number of gridpoints in y-direction
lona                  (default: 0)
                      western longitude for selecting a field
lone                  (default: 360)
                      eastern longitude for selecting a field
lata                  (default: -90)
                      southern latitude for selecting a field
late                  (default: 90)
                      northern latitude for selecting a field
xmiss                 (default: 1.e20)
                      value for missing data to fill
mona                  (default: 1)
                      start month, e.g. 1 = January
mone                  (default: 12)
                      end month, e.g. 12 = December; if mona = 13, the annual
                      mean is also calculated
nbmon                 (default: 12)
                      number of months per year which are in the model data
                      files and in the observational data file
xmin                  (default: -1.e20)
                      minimum of values
xmax                  (default: +1.e20)
                      maximum of values
cacheclear            (default: yes)
                      Delete cache folder. Choose yes or no, default: yes