



First the proper module has to be loaded:

module load evaluation_system

The MurCSS tool is part of the analyze script. The help can be called with:

analyze --tool MurCSS --help 

showing a list of all available adjustments:

MurCSS (v1.2.3): Calculates the MSSS, Correlation and ConditionalBias like Goddard et al. (2013)
output            (default: $USER_OUTPUT_DIR)
                  The Output directory
output_plots      (default: $USER_PLOTS_DIR)
                  Output directory of produced plots
decadals          (default: <undefined>) [mandatory]
                  Specify the experiments you want to use. I.e.
                  1960,1965,1970,..,1995. Or you can write 1960:5:1995
variable          (default: <undefined>) [mandatory]
                  The name of the variable you want to analyze (CMOR)
project1          (default: <undefined>) [mandatory]
                  BASELINE0, BASELINE1, CMIP5
product1          (default: <undefined>) [mandatory]
                  Product 1 to analyze
institute1        (default: <undefined>) [mandatory]
                  I.e. mpi-m
model1            (default: <undefined>) [mandatory]
                  Model 1 to analyze
experiment1       (default: <undefined>) [mandatory]
                  Prefix for experiments. I.e. "decs4e" or "decadal" 
project2          (default: <undefined>) [mandatory]
                  BASELINE0, BASELINE1, CMIP5
product2          (default: <undefined>) [mandatory]
                  Product 1 to analyze
institute2        (default: <undefined>) [mandatory]
                  I.e. mpi-m
model2            (default: <undefined>) [mandatory]
                  Model 2 to analyze
experiment2       (default: <undefined>) [mandatory]
                  Prefix for experiments. I.e. "decs4e" or "decadal" 
leadtimes         (default: 1,2-9) [mandatory]
                  Leadtimes to analyze
observation       (default: <undefined>) [mandatory]
                  Observation to compare. I.e. merra or hadcrut. You can also
                  specify an observation file.
ensemblemembers   (default: <undefined>)
                  Here you can specify which ensemble members you want to use.
                  Please insert a comma separated list.
significance      (default: False)
                  Whether you want to calculate significance levels.
                  WARNING: This could take up to 1 day!
bootstrap_number  (default: 500)
                  Number of bootstrap runs.
level             (default: <undefined>)
                  Level to select.
lonlatbox         (default: <undefined>)
                  Here you can specify a region. I.e. -100,40,20,80
maskMissingValues (default: True)
                  Whether you want to mask missing values in observation file or
cache             (default: $USER_CACHE_DIR/$SYSTEM_TIMESTAMP)
result_grid       (default: <undefined>)
                  You can specify a gridfile or a grid description like r20x25

Example for Near-Surface-Air Temperature (tas) comparing baseline1 with baseline0 against HadCrut observations:

analyze --tool MurCSS variable=tas project1=baseline1 product1=output institute1=mpi-m model1=mpi-esm-lr experiment1=decs4e project2=baseline0 
                      product2=output1 institute2=mpi-m model2=mpi-esm-lr experiment2=decadal observation=HadCrut decadals=1960:2000 leadtimes=1,2-5

A more detailed documentation can be found here