module load evaluation_system
analyze --tool etccdi --help
ETCCDI (v0.1.14): The plugin calculates indices defined by the joint CCl/CLIVAR/JCOMM Expert Team (ET) on Climate Change Detection and Indices (ETCCDI). So far only the precipitation based indices are included. For more information about the indices see and the references. Station data and output from regional models with 2D coordinates are not yet supported. Karl, T.R., N. Nicholls, and A. Ghazi, 1999: CLIVAR/GCOS/WMO workshop on indices and indicators for climate extremes: Workshop summary. Climatic Change, 42, 3-7. Peterson, T.C., and Coauthors: Report on the Activities of the Working Group on Climate Change Detection and Related Rapporteurs 1998-2001. WMO, Rep. WCDMP-47, WMO-TD 1071, Geneve, Switzerland, 143pp. Peterson, T.C., 2005: Climate Change Indices. WMO Bulletin, 54 (2), 83-86. Options: output (default: $USER_OUTPUT_DIR) The place where all output files are stored. output_plot (default: $USER_PLOTS_DIR) The place where all created plots are stored. decadals (default: <undefined>) Specify the experiments you want to use. I.e. 1960,1965,1970,..,1995. Or you can write 1960:5:1995 project (default: <undefined>) [mandatory] BASELINE0, BASELINE1, CMIP5 or PROJECTDATA institute (default: <undefined>) [mandatory] I.e. mpi-m model (default: <undefined>) [mandatory] Model to analyze experiment (default: <undefined>) [mandatory] Prefix for experiments. I.e. "decs4e" or "decadal" product (default: *) Product to analyze ensembles (default: *) Here you can specify which ensemble members you want to use. Please insert a comma separated list. dryrun (default: False) Set to "True" to get a list of commands but without execution. Directories are also not created. group_plots_by (default: index) Structure of the output plot directory. Valid values: index, output. index = one subdirectory per index; output = one subdirectory per output file. lonlatbox (default: <undefined>) Set lon1,lon2,lat1,lat2 to process only a part of the domain.
ETCCDI Indices für Departure Läufe:
analyze --tool etccdi project=baseline0 institute=KIT model=CCLM-4-21-2 decadals=2000 experiment=decadal
ETCCDI Indices für CCLM-Europa:
analyze --tool etccdi domain=eur-22 model=cclm-4-8-17 institute=dwd driving_model=mpi-esm-lr experiment=decadal2000 ensembles=* project=baseline0 type=tas
analyze --tool etccdi domain=eur-22 model=cclm-4-8-17 institute=dwd driving_model=mpi-esm-lr experiment=decadal2000 ensembles=* project=baseline0 type=pr