New features:
- Added support for NC_FORMAT_CDF5
- Extend option --reduce_dim to all dimension for all operators
New operators:
- tee - Duplicate a data stream
Changes operators:
- eof, eof3d: set default value of environment variable CDO_WEIGHT_MODE to off
- sinfo: Added time type
- ap2pl: added support for input data on half levels
Fixed bugs:
- selindexbox: breaks uvRelativeToGrid flag [Bug #7901]
- expr: AND fall through OR
- --cmor option doesn't work for lon/lat bounds (introduced in 1.9.0)
- eof3d: weight array was allocated for only one level
New features:
- Code changed from ANSI C99 to ISO C++11
- Added configure option for ecCodes --with-eccodes=<yes|no|directory>
- Added range operator to all statistic modules (e.g. yearrange, zonrange)
Fixed bugs:
- expr: improve ternary operator, no brackets needed anymore.
- expr: added support for clev in ternary operator.
- remapcon/remapycon produces wrong results for some grid combinations (introduced in 1.8.0) [Bug #7821]
- mergetime: wrong time information if first input file does not contain the first time step (bug introduced in 1.8.1) [Bug #7760]
- percentile: fix wrong result with method numpy (linear interpolation) and nist [Bug #7798]
Fixed bugs:
- setpartab: variable name does not change [Bug #7681]
- cmorlite: skipped empty key values [Bug #7681]
- setcalendar, settaxis memory error (bug introduce in 1.8.1) [Bug #7691]
New features:
- selindexbox: added support for LCC grid
New operators:
- selgridcell - Select grid cells
- delgridcell - Delete grid cells
New operators (KMNI contribution):
- selmulti - Select multiple fields
- delmulti - Delete multiple fields
- changemulti - Change identication of multiple fields
- samplegrid - Resample grid
- uvDestag - Destaggering of wind components
- rotuvNorth - Rotate u/v wind to North pole
- projuvLatLon - Cylindrical Equidistant projection
Fixed bugs:
- collgrid: combination of nx and names does not work
- Remapping bug for non global grids [Bug #7625]
- remapdis and remapcon produces wrong results for some grid combinations [Bug #7626] (introduced in last revision)
New features:
- NetCDF: Improved support for horizontal and vertical grids
- Changed default of option -f nc to netCDF2
- masklonlatbox: added support for unstructured grids
- setpartabn: added support for user defined attributes
- Reverse: adjust date/time by -1 second (introduced in last revision)
New operators:
- setattribute: Set attributes
- cmorlite: Apply variable_entry of cmor tables
- timcumsum: Cumulative sum over time.
- shiftx/shifty: Shift fields on rectilinear/curvilinear grids in x/y direction
Fixed bugs:
- Cond: bug fix for ntsteps1 == 1 && ntsteps2 != 1
- ml2pl: interpolation failed for data on hybrid half levels [Bug #7225]
New features:
- Refactor horizontal and vertical grid module
- netCDF4: added support for attribute type NC_BYTE, NC_UBYTE, NC_USHORT and NC_UINT
Fixed bugs:
- iegWriteVarSliceDP: does not work (bug fix)
- streamOpenAppend: call to gribContainersNew() missing (bug fix) [Bug #6944]
New operators:
- smooth: Smooth grid points
- ap2hl: Air pressure to height level interpolation
- ngrids: Show number of grids
- ngridpoints: Show number of gridpoints per variable
- reducegrid: Select gridpoints wrt. given mask
- settbounds: Set time bounds
Changed operators:
- input: added optional zaxis parameter
- setpartab: renamed to setcodetab
- pardes: renamed to codetab
Fixed bugs:
- Error reading Gaussian reduced GRIB files [Bug #6780 #6819]
- Installation error with OpenMP [Bug #6523]
- mul: wrong result for missval*0 (bug was introduced in 1.7.1)
- nint: wrong result (replaced round() by lround())
- shaded, contour, grfill: set NAN missvals to -9e33 [Bug: #6677]
The change to the new MiKlip Machine is done.
Therefore we have new PATHES:
Main data dir of MiKlip: /work/bmx825
Main climate data dir: /work/bmx825/data4miklip
Main projectdata path: /work/bmx825/data4miklip/projectdata/user-$USER
Main work dir of miklip: /work/bmx825/miklip-work
MiKlip-CES dir /work/bmx828/miklip-ces
Standardization Scripts: /work/bmx828/miklip-ces/misc4freva/cmor4freva
Repository of Plugins dir: /work/bmx828/miklip-ces/repos4freva
Therefore we renamed the evaluation_system to miklip-ces:
module load miklip-ces
Therefore OLD Commands are offline now:
Please use
Available commands:
--plugin : Applies some analysis to the given data.
--history : provides access to the configuration history (use --help for more help)
--databrowser : Find data in the system
--esgf : Browse ESGF data and create wget script
--crawl_my_data: Use this command to update your projectdata.
This system will be unavailable due tue maintenance, on Tuesday, 12th of April between 8:00 and 10:00 CEST.
New features:
- select: added search key steptype, gridnum, gridname, zaxisnum, zaxisname
- expr, exprf, aexpr, aexprf: added support for function clon(x), clat(x), clev(x),
remove(x), ngp(x), nlev(x), size(x), missval(x), sellevel(x,k), sellevidx(x,k),
fldmin(x), fldmax(x), fldsum(x), fldmean(x), fldavg(x), fldstd(x), fldstd1(x), fldvar(x), fldvar1(x),
vertmin(x), vertmax(x), vertsum(x), vertmean(x), vertavg(x), vertstd(x), vertstd1(x), vertvar(x), vertvar1(x)
Here are some examples of the new expr features.
New operators:
- contour: Contour plot
- shaded: Shaded contour plot
- grfill: Shaded gridfill plot
- vector: Lat/Lon vector plot
- graph: Line graph plot
- gmtxyz: Output GMT xyz format to create contour plots with the GMT module pscontour.
- gmtcells: Output GMT multiple segment format to create shaded gridfill plots with psxy.
Fixed bugs:
- cdo -t table_file does not read variable name from table file [Bug #6312]
- One day shift backwards when converting to relative time axis with -r [Bug #6496]
- ydaypctl: check of verification date failed (bug fix)
- cat, copy, mergetime, select: remove time constant input fields for nfile>1 [Bug #6552]