New operators:
- cinfo: Compact information listed by parameter name
Fixed bugs:
- detrend: failed if missing_value is between 0 and numSteps
- remapcon: env.var. REMAP_AREA_MIN failed since release 2.4.0
- consects/consecsum: wrong result since release 2.4.0 [Bug #12030]
New features:
- Added support for non-thread-safe NetCDF4/HDF5 library
- Remapstat: added support for unstructured target grids
- Timselstat: added support for parameter nskip=-1
Fixed bugs:
- diff: added extended check for NANs [Bug #11963]
- setpartabn: convert parameter failed
- ydrunpctl: parameter pm=r8 failed
- remapcon: fixed problem with icon R3B9 target grids
New features:
- option --filter: added support of NetCDF4 filter chains
New operators:
- setfilter: Set NetCDF4 filter specification
- showfilter: Print NetCDF4 filter specification
Fixed bugs:
- ml2pl: disable extrapolation (Incorrectly enabled in release 2.4.0)
- Compiling failed with NetCDF < 4.8.0 in release 2.4.2 [Bug #11843]
New operators:
- delattribute: Delete attributes
Fixed bugs:
- processing of NANs failed in 2.4.1
New features:
- mergetime: added skip_same_time parameter
- mergetime: added names parameter (union|intersect)
- Yearstat; added complete_only parameter
- showatttribute: changed output format
New operators:
- timmaxidx: Index of time maximum
- timminidx: Index of time minimum
- seltimeidx: Select timestep by index
- setprojparam: Set proj_param attribute
- dminute<stat>: Multi-day by the minute statistics
Fixed bugs:
- Yseasstat: failed with seasonal data since release 2.2.0
- eca_csu/eca_cfd: fixed stack memory error which occurs with clang option -Os [Bug #11790]
- minc/maxc: fixed wrong handling of missing values
Dear users,
we're upgrading the Redmine system ( during an extraordinary maintenance on Tuesday, 16th of April.
What will happen:
- Tuesday, April 16th, 8.30 am - 10 am
Who/What is affected:
New features:
- Changed to C++20
- Add FDB (Fields DataBase) support (status: experimental)
- Remapweights: Use environment variable REMAP_MAP3D=1 to generate all mapfiles of the first 3D field with varying masks
- pack: add support to read pack parameters from file
- select: allow negative numbers for parameter levidx to select level indices from the end
New operators:
- pressure - pressure on full-levels
- pressure_half - pressure on half-levels
- delta_pressure - pressure difference of half-levels
- gheight_half - geopotential height on half-levels
Fixed bugs:
- after: change computation of geopotential height from full to half levels [Bug #11346]
- expr: var statement failed
- gradsdes: fix integer overflow in map file
- Arith: fill mode for infile2 doesn't work with pipes [Bug #11733]
- rotated pole mapping failed with negative north_pole_grid_longitude attribute [Bug #11661]
New features:
- Add experimental interface to FDB5
- Add global option CDI_Threadsafe to lock non thread-safe netCDF4/HDF5 calls
Fixed bugs:
- improve support for time units second [Bug #11740]
- calc_chunk_cache_size: wrong result for 3D data (bug fix)
- netCDF: write of y-coordinates failed for Gaussian reduced grids (bug fix)