


Make Experiments!

Release Changes

Release 1.4.0


  • Fix 'mkexp.bash' example to work with non-local configs


  • Add option to allow scripts to be non-executable
  • Add list of removed jobs to template namespace


  • Import: extend support for running on arbitrary scripts
    • improve detection of model and build dirs
    • support different generations of launch logic
    • support stand-alone atmosphere scripts
    • add option to set path to helper script
    • improve file section labels
  • setconfig: make output more similar to mkexp conventions
    • remove quotes from section names (may be disabled)
    • fix spaces before inline comments when no value is given
    • fix spaces at end-of-line and before inline comments (may be disabled)
  • Make experiment type, script dir, namelists section, and default config optional to allow use without standard library

Release 1.3.1


  • Changed license to BSD 3-clause


  • Add '%{id}' placeholder for use in repeated namelist groups


  • Allow additional directories to be created by mkexp (EXP_DIR_NAMES)

Release 1.3.0


  • Created first example (formatting of namelists as YAML)



  • Allow use of iterators with 'list' and 'join' filters
  • Unify namelist and job templates. 'DEFAULT.' prefix is optional but preferred
  • Add option to use global config in namelist templates (.use_full_config). Original values for global variables overridden by namelist settings are kept in section '_'


  • editexp: allow editing additional files from experiment and mkexp path

Release 1.2.0


  • Fixed "missing config" test for python3


  • Added incremental adding and removing (+=, -=), currently for lists only
  • Same for incremental renaming (>=)


  • Added getexp support for loading mkexp dumps

Release 1.1.6


  • getconfig: added option to control indentation of output
  • changed installation to explictly use setuptools and pip


  • importexp: added support for running outside of native environment
  • update: avoid code duplication in generated script

Release 1.1.5


  • Fixed error due to variables at namelist level
  • Fixed recognition of native variables to ignore invalid variable names
  • Fixed missing [jobs] level variables in extended jobs


  • importexp: fixed extraction of start/end date in input scripts
  • mkexp: fixed long run times for extended jobs/namelist groups

Release 1.1.4


  • Added inheritance via .extends or by group name for namelist groups

Release 1.1.3


  • Added wrapper to generate config from exp.*.run files (importexp)
  • Added support for mkexp generated run scripts to config generation
  • files2config: use '.' short-cut in file definitions, use global variables in directories
  • namelist2config: re-enable here-doc detection to remove spurious data, use global variables in namelists and output, remove array slice syntax
  • Fixes related to python3, perl-5.26, and jinja2-3.0 compatibility
  • Added tools to manage differences/similarities between config files (compconfig, diffconfig, unmergeconfig)
  • Handle deprecation warnings for versions 3+ of Jinja2

Release 1.1.2


  • Updated code to run with python3 and full Unicode set


  • Fixed job config corruption while overriding namelists in another job


  • 'split' filter allows omission of separator (same as Python 'split')

Release 1.1.1

  • Replaced by 1.1.2

Version 1.1.1rc2


  • Fixed job config corruption while formatting native variables in another job

Version 1.1.1rc1


  • Allow hiding for namelist files with templates

Release 1.1.0


  • Added 'selconfig' tool to extract sections from config files
  • Added 'files2config' tool to extract input file info from logs and scripts
  • Added variable replacement beta options to the '...2config' tools
  • Added output of file name in -d mode of 'namelist2config'
  • Added file tags for 'output_nml' groups in 'namelist2config'


  • Changed empty namelist variables to be suppressed, ie. default is used
  • Added '.default' variable to namelists and namelist groups to define an alternative default value if the empty string is a valid value
  • Added 'is_set' utility to be used on logicals in 'eval(...)' expressions
  • Added configurable hiding (disabling) of namelist files


  • Added optional parameter 'default_value' to 'format_namelists' to define an alternative default value for namelist variables

Release 1.0.12


  • Added option for removing trailing white space to 'setconfig'
  • Also added beta option for reducing white space before inline comments
  • Added 'namelist2config' tool to extract namelist info from logs and scripts

Release 1.0.11


  • Fixed to use native variable formatting in all sections of a job's config

Release 1.0.10


  • Changed directory creation to only create parts w/o native variables


  • Changed to allow values with native variables to be interpolated correctly

Release 1.0.9


  • Reverted retrieval of version info from version control system. Avoids two-step setting of the tag and enables use as external. Also avoids additional 'make' step

Release 1.0.8


  • Changed version info to be retrieved from version control system. This requires an additional 'make' step before running
  • Changed 'setconfig' to take additional config files to merged with the first
  • Added dry run option (-n) to 'cpexp'


  • Added new way to disable namelist groups by setting the special variable '.hide' to 'true'. This allows to selectively re-enable groups in higher order config files by setting '.hide' to 'false'
  • Simplified commented namelist settings at the end of a group by adding a special variable '.end'


  • Changed 'format_namelist' function to allow use of (yet) undefined groups
  • Changed 'mkexp_input' variable to show package version as Subversion $Id$ is no longer maintained in Git

Release 1.0.7


  • Added 'setconfig' filter tool to alter config files via command line. Supports adding, altering, and deleting of keys in arbitrary sections, and amendments of header comment


  • Added 'format_namelist' function allowing to render individual groups, as well as full namelists, identical to the NAMELIST variable

Release 1.0.6


  • Changed 'cdexp' shell tool to honor command line variable assignments


  • Changed 'get_file' function to return unknown variable references unchanged
  • Added 'get_dir' function, returning the path for a given 'files' section

Release 1.0.5


  • Added 'getconfig' tool to generate clean config files from 'update' scripts
  • Added 'editexp' tool to edit the config file for a given 'update' script
  • Added common update module for 'getconfig', 'editexp', and 'mkexp.bash'
  • Added 'upexp' tool to run the 'update' script for a given config file


  • Changed 'list' filter replacement to map the empty string to an empty list. Added option to keep empty string as singleton list if needed

Release 1.0.4


  • Changed 'key' option of getexp to be repeatable
  • Added 'set' option to getexp to be used with 'key' for script evaluation
  • Changed output to be written as UTF-8


  • Made 'time' module available in eval(...)
  • Reading of EXP_DESCRIPTION from initial comment now also discards leading and trailing lines that only contain white space and comment characters
  • Updated to configobj-5.0.6
  • Fixed error message for missing namelist templates
  • Changed namelist templates to support names with upper case letters

Release 1.0.3


  • Improved retrieval of working directory for 'update' script, using 'PWD' from environment if available
  • Fixed bash shell utility 'cdexp' to handle absolute file names when reading from 'update' script
  • Fixed update script to export all ...PATH variables in case they don't exist
  • Fixed missing installation of 'duexp'

Release 1.0.2


  • Fixed test suite to clean up all temporary files
  • Fixed tool 'cppath' to not choke when called twice on the same directory


  • Changed 'set' test to work, and return False, on undefined variables
  • Re-enabled Jinja statement and comment syntax, now using '__mkexp__' keyword ({%__mkexp__ ... %}, {#__mkexp__ ... #})
  • Replaced 'list' and 'join' filters by versions that treat simple values as singleton lists


  • Changed job inheritance to work for more than one levels
  • Changed job inheritance to be run for all jobs, not just the current
  • Added global 'jobs' section to be available for all job templates

Release 1.0.1


  • Added creation of config dump to mkexp (including backup)
  • Changed mkexp namelist formatting to add multi-group identifiers as comment
  • Changed merge of process environment ('DEFAULT' section) to be sorted
  • Added tool 'duexp' to show disk usage by the given experiment
  • Added 'key' option to getexp for querying a specific config value
  • Added example script 'share/doc/mkexp/mkexp.bash' with 'bash' shell utilities

Release 1.0.0


  • Fixed error handling for rmexp, cpexp, diffexp; minor edits
  • Fixed descriptive message for getexp, cpexp
  • Added --version option to mkexp
  • Changed rmexp to remove empty parent directories
  • Changed rmexp to remove monitoring data

Release 0.4.3


  • Changed retrieval of templates for config files that alter EXP_ID Now tries config file name before using EXP_ID as template name
  • Disabled evaluation of standard Jinja blocks ({% ... %}) and comments ({# ... #}). This allows handling templates with standard Jinja code and shell scripts using array length expansion (${#ARRAY})

Release 0.4.2


  • Changed rmexp to be compatible with Debian's /bin/sh (dash)
  • Changed mkexp and expconfig to be compatible with python-2.6
  • Added 'mkexp' option to re-run using 'getexp -vv' output

Release 0.4.1


  • Added global function 'get_file' to expand input file names for scripts

Release 0.4.0


  • Added support for configuration dump to 'getexp'
  • Changed tools' section in user guide to better describe command line options
  • Changed 'rmexp' to only ask for approval once per directory
  • Changed 'rmexp' to also remove restart, data, and log directories
  • Added 'cpexp', 'cppath' to copy experiment data to a new experiment name

Release 0.3.7


  • Added support for SETUP_OPTIONS that are loaded before the EXP_OPTIONS. Used for pushing options that are required due to model configuration

Release 0.3.6


  • Changed handling of '.use_template' to allow use of arbitrary template names
  • Fixed error message for missing or wrong options
  • Fixed setting ENVIRONMENT to 'DEFAULT' if set to empty in SETUP.config (#5808)


  • Added 'match' filter, allowing to use regular expression matches
  • Changed 'extended' jobs to allow their own templates override the parent's
  • Added missing tests for 'wordwrap' filter
  • Re-wrote documentation on additional Jinja filters

Release 0.3.5


  • Added -q (quiet) option to mkexp to suppress info messages
  • Fixed diffpath to also compare two files (used to expect directories)


  • Replaced wordwrap by a private version that allows to suppress breaks on hyphens (used to break long absolute file names)

Release 0.3.4


  • The "VERSION": keyword in standard config files is now optional. The user is notified if it is missing in at least one file.

Release 0.3.3


  • Added 'raw(...)' expression to allow unquoted namelist expressions. Needed for native variables containing lists


  • Added 'set' test to reliably check if namelist switches are true

Release 0.3.2


  • Fixed bug in native variable support
    • Expanding native variables did not update but created new entries
  • Changed creation of job specific config
    • Configuration of other jobs is now excluded from the job config
  • Added job specific override of input files
    • Job specific configurations may now contain their own 'files' section

Release 0.3.1


  • Additional output files
    • Added creation of an 'update' script for re-creating output files from the script directory


  • Extended expressions in configuration files
    • Adding (possibly negative) offsets to days in date string (add_days)

Release 0.3.0


  • Support for using native variables in templates
    • Detection of variable use in configuration keys and values
    • Context query for global template variable values
    • Native variable format as special job configuration (.var_format)
  • Backup of old versions for re-generated files
    • Backup directory with timestamp for each re-generation, containing previous files incl. README
    • Fixed 'diffexp' to ignore backup directories
  • Support for out-of-directory generation
    • Added command line option and path environment variable for configuration files (--path, MPEXP_PATH)
    • Changed template lookup paths to also use these settings
  • Extended queue settings into host environment
    • Renamed configuration variable and directory (QUEUE_TYPE -> ENVIRONMENT, standard_queue_settings -> standard_environments)
    • Support for setting environment on the command line
    • Support for default or blank host environment
  • Support for setting section variables on the command line
  • Fixed 'diffexp' to ignore CDPATH settings
  • Added model directory, verbose mode, README mode to 'getexp'
  • Changed 'getexp' output from warning to info
  • Added option to skip directory creation for config tests (--no-make-dirs/-m)
  • Added User Guide


  • Support for job inheritance (.extends), and job removal (.remove)
    • Inheritance of job configuration
    • Namelist overloading
  • Support for packages of configuration options (EXP_OPTIONS, standard_options)
  • Support for default configuration settings by model build (SETUP.config)
  • Improved namelist handling
    • Support for removing namelist groups and variables from the parent configuration (.remove)
    • Support for namelist templates for non-Fortran namelists, e.g. OASIS namcouple (.use_template)
    • Namelist output restricted to 80 characters per line
    • Support for automatic conversion of comments in namelist configurations, on all levels
    • Support for example namelist settings (commented assignments)
  • Extended expressions in configuration files
    • Use of lists in configuration expressions
    • Support for reading configuration values from a file (read)
    • Second to time string conversion in configuration files (sec2time)
    • Splitting of date strings also works for YYYYMMDD format (split_date)
    • Adding (possibly negative) offsets to years in date string (add_years)
  • Support for overriding the 'tasks' job variable
  • Fixed evaluation of job configuration levels (global settings were masking user settings)
  • Experiment identifier is taken from the file name by default
  • Changed to mask dollar characters when reading environment variables into configuration to avoid spurious interpolation


  • Support for input file template library
    • 'split' filter for use in templates
    • 'filter' filter for use in templates
    • 'wrapstring' work-around for legacy Jinja (2.6)
  • Support for user defined, experiment specific templates
  • Support for 'mkexp' version info in templates (mkexp_input)