



CDO: Version 2.0.4 released

Added by Uwe Schulzweida over 2 years ago

Fixed bugs:
  • collgrid: process coordinates of generic grids
  • read grid description file with x/y bounds failed for GRID_PROJECTION

CDO: Version 2.0.3 released

Added by Uwe Schulzweida over 2 years ago

Fixed bugs:
  • after: change computation of geopotential height from half to full levels
  • gheight: change computation of geopotential height from half to full levels
  • muldpm/divdpm: wrong result since release 2.0.0

CDO: Version 2.0.0 released

Added by Uwe Schulzweida over 2 years ago

New features:
  • Changed to C++14
  • Changed to 3-clause BSD license
  • sp2gp/gp2sp: OpenMP parallelized
  • Expr: Add function cdeltaz(x)
  • Select: Add parameter levrange (level range)
  • seltimestep: Add support for negative values in range of integer parameter
  • outputtab: Add key x and y to print coordinates of the original grid
New operators:
  • setgridcell: Set the value of a grid cell
  • selcircle: Select cells inside a circle
  • fldint: Field integral
  • bottomvalue: Select valid values at the bottom level
  • topvalue: Select valid values at the top level
  • median - ensmedian, fldmedian, mermedian, zonmedian, gridboxmedian
  • skewness - ensskew, fldskew, merskew, zonskew, gridboxskew
  • kurtosis - enskurt, fldkurt, merkurt, zonkurt, gridboxkurt
Fixed bugs:
  • splitsel: Output sequence number starts at 0
  • import_binary: Wrong result for swap 2 byte binary data
  • import_binary: Set NetCDF reference time
  • genlaf: Gives the result of gencon
  • namelist: Add large file support

CDI: Version 2.0.0 released

Added by Uwe Schulzweida almost 3 years ago

New features:
  • Changed to 3-clause BSD license
  • Changed type of gridsize for size_t to SizeType
  • Changed type of date from int64_t to DateType
  • Added FDB5 support (experimental)
  • Added environment variables CDI_GRIB1_TEMPLATE and CDI_GRIB2_TEMPLATE
  • gridDefParamsLCC()/gridInqParamsLCC(): changed interface
  • gridDefParamsSTERE()/gridInqParamsSTERE(): changed interface
  • Replaced zaxisDefDatatype()/zaxisInqDatatype() by cdiDefKeyInt()/cdiInqKeyInt() with CDI_KEY_DATATYPE
  • Replaced gridDefDatatype()/gridInqDatatype() by cdiDefKeyInt()/cdiInqKeyInt() with CDI_KEY_DATATYPE
Fixed bugs:
  • Allow UUID starting with zero
  • cgribexDefGridLambert(): recalculate xinc/yinc in meter

Make Experiments!: Release 1.1.0 of MakeExperiments! (mkexp)

Added by Karl-Hermann Wieners about 3 years ago



  • Added 'selconfig' tool to extract sections from config files
  • Added 'files2config' tool to extract input file info from logs and scripts
  • Added variable replacement beta options to the '...2config' tools
  • Added output of file name in -d mode of 'namelist2config'
  • Added file tags for 'output_nml' groups in 'namelist2config'


  • Changed empty namelist variables to be suppressed, ie. default is used
  • Added '.default' variable to namelists and namelist groups to define an
    alternative default value if the empty string is a valid value
  • Added 'is_set' utility to be used on logicals in 'eval(...)' expressions
  • Added configurable hiding (disabling) of namelist files


  • Added optional parameter 'default_value' to 'format_namelists' to define an
    alternative default value for namelist variables

Redmine User Information: Maintenance of this system (2021-03-26 16:00 - 18:00)

Added by Jan Sellmann over 3 years ago

We need to update the software Redmine running on to a newer version (and in the course upgrade the operating system and service software).

What will happen:

- upgrade of OS and software on


- Friday, March 26th, 4:00 pm - 6:00 pm

Who/What is affected:

- The connection to Redmine on will
not be possible during the maintenance.

It could be that we do not need the full two hours on Friday afternoon, we will notify you by email when the maintenance should be finished ahead of schedule.

CDO: Version 1.9.10 released

Added by Uwe Schulzweida over 3 years ago

New features:
  • Added option --ignore_time_bounds to ignore time bounds for time range statistics
Fixed bugs:
  • EOF: fix wrong result with multiple OpenMP threads (data race)
  • timselmean: failed with variables on different grids [Bug #9978]
  • Ymonarith: failed with variables on different grids
  • Detrend: wrong result with parameter equal=false [Bug #9961]
  • Fldstat: optional parameter weights failed
  • Wind: check that numLPE is > 0

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