


Version 2.1.0 released

Added by Uwe Schulzweida almost 2 years ago

New features:
  • Added support for NCZarr
  • Set number of significant bits used for NetCDF 4.9.0 bit-roundung: vlistDefVarNSB()/vlistInqVarNSB()
  • Added support for milli seconds
  • Changed DateType back to int
  • Made CDI compatible to revision 1.8.3 used in ICON
Fixed bugs:
  • recalculate optimal chunk_size if gridsize is > chunk_size_lim
  • ecCodes encode: fix problem with startStep for step type MIN/MAX
  • GRIB read: recalculate start date/time for every record and timestep
  • changed chunk_size_lim from 1073741823 to 16777216
  • compareXYvals failed for unstructured grids (segmentation fault) [Bug #10632]
  • cdf_read_coordinates: check that grid cell bounds have only 2 dimensions [Bug #10575]
