


Version 1.9.0 released

Added by Uwe Schulzweida almost 7 years ago

New features:
  • Code changed from ANSI C99 to ISO C++11
  • Added configure option for ecCodes --with-eccodes=<yes|no|directory>
  • Added range operator to all statistic modules (e.g. yearrange, zonrange)
Fixed bugs:
  • expr: improve ternary operator, no brackets needed anymore.
  • expr: added support for clev in ternary operator.
  • remapcon/remapycon produces wrong results for some grid combinations (introduced in 1.8.0) [Bug #7821]
  • mergetime: wrong time information if first input file does not contain the first time step (bug introduced in 1.8.1) [Bug #7760]
  • percentile: fix wrong result with method numpy (linear interpolation) and nist [Bug #7798]


Added by Reinhard Budich almost 7 years ago

For ecCodes, see here