On the New Machine
Changed to New Machine - NEW PATHES and SOFTWARE LOADING
The change to the new MiKlip Machine is done.
Therefore we have new PATHES:
Main data dir of MiKlip: /work/bmx825 Main climate data dir: /work/bmx825/data4miklip Main projectdata path: /work/bmx825/data4miklip/projectdata/user-$USER Main work dir of miklip: /work/bmx825/miklip-work MiKlip-CES dir /work/bmx828/miklip-ces Standardization Scripts: /work/bmx828/miklip-ces/misc4freva/cmor4freva Repository of Plugins dir: /work/bmx828/miklip-ces/repos4freva
Therefore we renamed the evaluation_system to miklip-ces:
module load miklip-ces
Therefore OLD Commands are offline now:
analyze solr_search
Please use freva:
Freva Available commands: --plugin : Applies some analysis to the given data. --history : provides access to the configuration history (use --help for more help) --databrowser : Find data in the system --esgf : Browse ESGF data and create wget script --crawl_my_data: Use this command to update your projectdata.