New Features and Fixes:
- logging commands to external file or memory (python and ruby examples)
- support for upcoming CDO release 1.7.1
- [ruby] new object oriented interface
- requires ruby-2.x
- is thread safe
- is the new default interface when calling
require 'cdo'
- [ruby] old module interface is still available by using
require 'cdo_lib'
- fix unicode-related bug for python2 (thanks to Sebastian Illing)
New features:
- added support for netCDF Scalar Coordinate Variables
- added support for hybrid sigma pressure coordinates following the CF convention
- added option --percentile to select different percentile methods
Available methods: nrank, nist, numpy, numpy_lower, numpy_higher, numpy_nearest
- distgrid: added support for curvilinear grids
- collgrid: added support for curvilinear grids
New operators:
- remapycon: First order conservative remapping (new implementation of remapcon)
- genycon: Generate 1st order conservative remap weights (new implementation of gencon)
- setmisstonn: Set missing value to nearest neightbor
- setmisstodis: Set missing value to the distance-weighted average of the nearest neighbors
- ap2pl: Interpolate 3D variables on hybrid sigma height coordinates to pressure levels
- vertstd1: Vertical standard deviation [Divisor is (n-1)]
- vertvar1: Vertical variance [Divisor is (n-1)]
- seasvar1: Seasonal variance [Divisor is (n-1)]
- seasstd1: Seasonal standard deviation [Divisor is (n-1)]
- yseasvar1: Multi-year seasonally variance [Divisor is (n-1)]
- yseasstd1: Multi-year seasonally standard deviation [Divisor is (n-1)]
Changed operators:
- remapnn, remapdis: replaced scrip search by kdtree (optimization)
- vertvar, vertstd: changed to weighted var/std if layer bounds are available
Fixed bugs:
- cdo -t table_file does not complain if table_file is a directory [Bug #5891]
- expr: operators return 0 for arithmetics on constants [Bug #5875]
- env. CDO_TIMESTAT_DATE does not work [Bug #5758]
- splityear*: support for constant fields is missing [Bug #5759]
- yseaspctl: check of verification date failed [Bug #5810]
- Converting rotated lat-lon netcdf to/from grib: flip sign of the angle of rotation [Bug #5870]
New features:
- added support for netCDF Scalar Coordinate Variables
- added support for hybrid sigma pressure coordinates following the CF convention
- merge changes from branches/cdi-tiles [from Florian Prill]
Fixed bugs:
- GRIB rotated grids: invert angle of rotation (north to south pole) (bug fix)
- bug fix for scanning the WRF time axis
- cdiStreamSetupVlist: added call to vlist_unlock(vlistID) (bug fix)
New features:
- select: added parameter date, startdate, enddate
- expr: added support for operator ?:,&&,||
- option --reduce_dim: reduce dimension (Timstat, Fldstat)
New operators:
- after: ECHAM standard post processor
- aexpr: Evaluate expressions and append results
- aexprf: Evaluate expression script and append results
- selzaxisname: Select z-axes by name
- genlevelbounds: Generate level bounds
Fixed bugs:
- ydrunpctl: does not work in combination with ydrunmin/ydrunmax
- Ensstat: added support for different missing values
- seltimestep: abort if none of the selected timesteps are found
New features:
- select, delete: added wildcard support for parameter name
- expr: added support for logical operators <, >, <=, >=, !=, ==, <=>
New operators:
- splityearmon: Split in years and months
- yseasadd: Add multi-year seasonal time series
- yseassub: Subtract multi-year seasonal time series
- yseasmul: Multiply multi-year seasonal time series
- yseasdiv: Divide multi-year seasonal time series
Changed operators:
- vertmean, vertavg: changed to weighted means if layer bounds are available
- setpartabp, setpartabn: added optional parameter convert to convert the units.
Units are not converted anymore if this parameter is not set!
- TimSTAT, Timpctl, TimselSTAT, Timselpctl, SeasSTAT, Seaspctl:
The output time stamp of all operators from the above modules are changed from the last to the middle contributing timestep.
Use the environment variable CDO_TIMESTAT_DATE=last to set the output time stamp to the last contributing timestep.
- eof, eof3d: use area weights instead of no weights
Use the environment variable CDO_WEIGHT_MODE=off to switch back to the non weighted version
Fixed bugs:
- gradsdes: grib index file is empty (introduced in 1.6.7)
- grib2 output: segfaults when writing grib2 files [Bug #5351]
- remapnn: Segmentation fault for extrapolation of regular 2D source grids [Bug #5448]
What will happen:
- upgrade of the operating system on and
- Tuesday, March 3rd, 10 am - 2 pm
Who/What is affected:
- The upgrades requires a downtime of both subversion servers
- Neither the repositories hosted on both servers, nor the svn access manager will be usable during the maintenance, including access from the Redmine server
- During the maintenance you might see error messages, when clicking the repository inside the Redmine server
- No major upgrade of the subversion package will happen (1.6.12 -> 1.6.17), so we don't expect any compatibility issues with existing working copies
New operators:
Fixed bugs:
- option -t table: segmentation fault if parameter table entry longname is missing
- merge: check number of timesteps [Bug #5338]
- seasmean: sets all time_bnds to the same values [Bug #5329]
- histcount: doesn't recognize missing values
- filesdes: doesn't work for GRIB2 files [Bug #5307]
New features:
- IEG: added support for coordinate scale factor
Fixed bugs:
- table::decodeForm1: missing longname results in Abort trap
- transpose2dArrayXX: wrong result
- cgribexScanTimestep1: set flag to 0 in call to cgribexVarCompare()
- netCDF: call set_validrangeDP() in cdfReadVar()
- netCDF: call cdfDoInputDataTransformation() if have missvals
New operators:
- distgrid: distribute horizonal grid
- collgrid: collect horizontal grid
Changed operators:
- cat: added support for option -O (overwrite existing output file)
- remaplaf: changed calculation of weights from SCRIP to YAC
Fixed bugs:
- gridarea: added support for concave grid cells
- gradsdes: added support for option 365_day_calendar
- import_binary: option 365_day_calendar does not work
- select: wrong result when select only one timestep