


Version 1.7.2 released

Added by Uwe Schulzweida about 8 years ago

New operators:
  • smooth: Smooth grid points
  • ap2hl: Air pressure to height level interpolation
  • ngrids: Show number of grids
  • ngridpoints: Show number of gridpoints per variable
  • reducegrid: Select gridpoints wrt. given mask
  • settbounds: Set time bounds
Changed operators:
  • input: added optional zaxis parameter
  • setpartab: renamed to setcodetab
  • pardes: renamed to codetab
Fixed bugs:
  • Error reading Gaussian reduced GRIB files [Bug #6780 #6819]
  • Installation error with OpenMP [Bug #6523]
  • mul: wrong result for missval*0 (bug was introduced in 1.7.1)
  • nint: wrong result (replaced round() by lround())
  • shaded, contour, grfill: set NAN missvals to -9e33 [Bug: #6677]
