Loop "remapnn" command for many locations
Added by Maria Kar over 8 years ago
I want to apply the "remapnn" command in order to extract time series for a set of points that are stored in the "coords.txt" file. The stucture of the coords.txt file is the following:
station , lat , lon
ABTR2100 ,39.13,34.52
GRMR0100 ,20.18,49.00
DDDD0100 ,23.22,46.81
SLPT0100 ,26.91,32.23
NDRT0100 ,29.55,48.97
For this reason, I have tried to write the following bash shell that will allow me to run the remapnn command for all stations in a loop:
while read p; do
echo $p
cdo remapnn,lon=$lon_lat=$lat, temperature.nc $out.nc
done <coords.txt
The command works perfectly for a single location, for instance:
cdo remapnn,lon=34.52_lat=39.13, temperature.nc out.nc
but unfortunately, doesn't work in a loop. This is the error message I get:
cdo remapnn (Abort): Open failed on lon==!
Any help would be much appreciated!
Replies (22)
RE: Loop "remapnn" command for many locations - Added by Ralf Mueller over 8 years ago
cdo remapnn,lon=${lon}_lat=${lat} temperature.nc $out.nc
Usually the underline '_'
is a valid character for variable name. Thats why the shell tries to evaluate a variable called 'lon_lat'
, which isn't defined. the braces make this clear - I use them all the time to avoid situations like this. The funny part starts, if you have defined lon_lat
somewhere else for a different purpose and therefore don't get an error message, but results, that might look ok in the first place ...
RE: Loop "remapnn" command for many locations - Added by Bogdan Rosca over 7 years ago
I am trying to extract values to a series of points (meteo stations) as table. I have adapted the shell script and now it looks like this:
#!/bin/bash while read p ; do echo $p cdo -outputtab,date,lon,lat,value -remapnn,lon=${lon}_lat=${lat}, T_ave.nc > $pct.txt done <stations.txt
When I run the script I get this error:
...remapnn (Abort): Open failed on lon=_lat=!
The station.txt file has the same structure as Maria's table.
code,lon,lat 57,27.17,46.1 19,23.56,46.06 3,21.35,46.13 55,26.91,46.53 15,23.11,44.48
RE: Loop "remapnn" command for many locations - Added by Ralf Mueller over 7 years ago
Check this
while read p ; do echo $p; lon=$(echo $p | cut -d ',' -f 2); lat=$(echo $p | cut -d ',' -f 3); cdo -outputtab,date,lon,lat,value -remapnn,lon=${lon}_lat=${lat} -topo > $pct.txt done <stations.txt
in your loop, there is no definition of lon
and lat
- if you just use them, they are empty by definition.
RE: Loop "remapnn" command for many locations - Added by Bogdan Rosca over 7 years ago
Thanks! It worked like a charm.
RE: Loop "remapnn" command for many locations - Added by Sanita Dhaubanjar over 7 years ago
Hi all,
I am also trying to write a loop to extract time series for a list of grid points using the resource here but I am having issues. When I manually type in the grid points I can obtain the time series without any issues. For example, I successfully used:
cdo -outputtab,date,value -remapnn,lon=80.625_lat=30.625 $ifile> ofile1.txt
cdo -outputtab,date,value -remapnn,lon=80.875_lat=30.625 $ifile> ofile2.txt
But when I try to loop through the same lat-lons, it does not work. I wrote a loop to read lat long from a text file formatted as below:
My code adapted from here is:
ifile="TRMM3b42v7_1998-2016_NPL.nc4" #.nc4 file to read
istnlst="TRMM_selpts.txt" #list of lat-lon for which to extract TS
while read p; do
echo -e "Reading station..... "$p
stn=$(echo $p | cut -d ',' -f 1)
lat=$(echo $p | cut -d ',' -f 2); lon=$(echo $p | cut -d ',' -f 3);
cdo -outputtab,date,value -remapnn,lon=${lon}_lat=${lat} $ifile>$out
sed -i '' -e "s/value/$stn/1" $out #replace value column name w/ stn name
done <$istnlst
I get the following error for the first lat-lon combination. Attached text file shows the messages I get when I run the above mentioned codes.
_lat=30.625 TRMM3b42v7_1998-2016_NPLpcpSWAT.nc4 (pipe1.1)".
_lat=30.625!nn (Abort): Open failed on lon=80.625
The second loop runs without errors. But the problem gets worse when I add more stations to the list. I cannot extract time series for a single grid when I give a longer list of stations. Any idea why this is happening? Any help is greatly appreciated.
loopError_extractTS (2.83 KB) loopError_extractTS |
RE: Loop "remapnn" command for many locations - Added by Sara Rivero-Calle almost 6 years ago
Hi! I tried Ralph Mueller's structure with a different command and I am getting the following error. Any thoughts?
The structure of my csv file is the same as in the example:
My code
while read n ; do
echo $n;
latmax=$(echo $n | cut -d ',' -f 2);
latmin=$(echo $n | cut -d ',' -f 3);
lonmax=$(echo $n | cut -d ',' -f 4);
lonmin=$(echo $n | cut -d ',' -f 5);
cdo sellonlatbox,${lonmin},${lonmax},${latmin},${latmax}, outfile_sst.nc outfile$n.nc ;
done < coordextended2.csv
< contains invalid character at position 4!201
< contains invalid character at position 4!294
< contains invalid character at position 4!290
< contains invalid character at position 4!234
RE: Loop "remapnn" command for many locations - Added by Ralf Mueller almost 6 years ago
Hi Sara!
I used this
while read n ; do
echo $n;
latmax=$(echo $n | cut -d ',' -f 2);
latmin=$(echo $n | cut -d ',' -f 3);
lonmax=$(echo $n | cut -d ',' -f 4);
lonmin=$(echo $n | cut -d ',' -f 5);
cdo -f nc sellonlatbox,${lonmin},${lonmax},${latmin},${latmax} -topo outfile$(echo $n | tr ',' '_').nc ;
done < coordextended2.csv
without problems. I used -topo
instead of your input file. it works with bash and zsh and cdo 1.9.6. which CDO version do you use?
I don't like ',' in filenames - that's why I replaced them with '_'
RE: Loop "remapnn" command for many locations - Added by Sara Rivero-Calle almost 6 years ago
Hi Ralph!
Thank you so much for your help! I'm using version 1.9.5. Unfortunately, the code you sent is not working for me, I think it might have to do with how it reads the csv file because if I give it some numbers it does seem to work, for example:
lonmin=(50 51 52 53);
latmin=(40 41 42 43);
latmax=(41 42 43 44);
lonmax=(51 52 53 54);
for n in {0..3};
cdo sellonlatbox,${lonmin[$n]},${lonmax[$n]},${latmin[$n]},${latmax[$n]}, outfile_sst.nc outfile$n.nc ;
But I when ask it to read the coordinates from coordextended2csv, the loop doesnt work. I am attaching the csv file that I use. The netcdf is too large to attach here.
coordextended2.csv (899 Bytes) coordextended2.csv | coordinates |
RE: Loop "remapnn" command for many locations - Added by Ralf Mueller almost 6 years ago
hi Sara!
I think I got it. Your coordinates files is a DOS-formated text. you have to format it to UNIX with a tool like dos2unix
. I transformed your upload and it worked out of the box. Normally this tool is available as a package for many linux distros.
RE: Loop "remapnn" command for many locations - Added by Sara Rivero-Calle almost 6 years ago
Thank you so much, Ralph!! that was the issue
RE: Loop "remapnn" command for many locations - Added by Ralf Mueller almost 6 years ago
you're welcome
RE: Loop "remapnn" command for many locations - Added by Akhilesh Kumar about 5 years ago
Ralf Mueller wrote:
Usually the underline
is a valid character for variable name. Thats why the shell tries to evaluate a variable called'lon_lat'
, which isn't defined. the braces make this clear - I use them all the time to avoid situations like this. The funny part starts, if you have definedlon_lat
somewhere else for a different purpose and therefore don't get an error message, but results, that might look ok in the first place ...hth
I used this solution and that of Bogdan (below this answer), but I am getting the same error.
remapp.bash: line 5: syntax error near unexpected token `done'
remapp.bash: line 5: ` done <stations.txt'
My stations.txt file looks like this.
What should I do? Please help me.
RE: Loop "remapnn" command for many locations - Added by Ralf Mueller about 5 years ago
Please upload your script or the command line. Every detail counts for a good answer ;-)
RE: Loop "remapnn" command for many locations - Added by Hipolito Cardoso over 3 years ago
Maria Kar wrote:
I want to apply the "remapnn" command in order to extract time series for a set of points that are stored in the "Station.csv" file. The stucture of the Station.csv file is the following:
Station Lon Lat
Maputo 32.57 -25.92
XaiXai 33.63 -25.06
Inhambane 35.38 -23.87
Vilankulo 35.32 -22
Beira 34.9 -19.8
Chimoio 33.47 -19.12
Tete 33.64 -16.11
for -f "tokens=1,2,3 skip=1 rmims=," i in (Station_Table2.csv) do (
wgrib2 GSM_GPV_Rgl_I$yymmdd_grib2.bin -match ":APCP:" -s -lon j k > gpv_rain/$yymmdd_i_rain_gpv.csv
wgrib2 GSM_GPV_Rgl_I$yymmdd_grib2.bin -match ":TCDC:" -s -lon j k > gpv_cloud/$yymmdd_i_tcdc_gpv.csv
wgrib2 GSM_GPV_Rgl_I$yymmdd_grib2.bin -match ":UGRD:" -s -lon j k > gpv_wind/$yymmdd_i_U_gpv.csv
wgrib2 GSM_GPV_Rgl_I$yymmdd_grib2.bin -match ":VGRD:" -s -lon j k > gpv_wind/$yymmdd_i_V_gpv.csv
echo i j k
echo Now, completed retreaving GSM05 Rain_Cloud_Wind gpvdata Initial= $yymmdd$
the output have to be 2021061500_Maputo_rain_gpv.csv.
RE: Loop "remapnn" command for many locations - Added by Ralf Mueller over 3 years ago
this for-loop does not work in bash - which shell is it then?
RE: Loop "remapnn" command for many locations - Added by Hipolito Cardoso over 3 years ago
this is batch script. I need help to convert to bash script.
RE: Loop "remapnn" command for many locations - Added by Christ Reflin about 2 years ago
Hello Ralf,
I have netcdf data of daily precipitation for the period of 1 year (prec_2015.nc). I want to extract the value in each time series based on multiple coordinates (coordinates.txt).
I use the loop that you provided above. However, it failed to generate the output.
while read p ; do
echo $p;
lon=$(echo $p | cut -d ',' -f 2);
lat=$(echo $p | cut -d ',' -f 3);
cdo -outputtab,date,lon,lat,value -remapnn,lon=${lon}_lat=${lat} -topo > $extracted.txt
done <coordinate.txt
$ ./script.sh
cdo(2) remapnn: Process started
cdo(3) topo: Process started
!do(2) remapnn (Abort): Open failed on lon=lon_lat=lat
cdo(2) remapnn: Process started
cdo(3) topo: Process started
cdo(3) topo: Set default filetype to GRIB
cdo(2) remapnn: Nearest neighbor weights from lonlat (720x360) to lonlat (1x1) grid
cdo(3) topo: [0.01s]
cdo(2) remapnn: Processed 259200 values from 1 variable over 1 timestep [0.01s]
cdo outputtab: Processed 1 value from 1 variable over 1 timestep [0.01s 10MB]
Could you help me to solve this error?
The files that I used to run the loop are attached.
I still do not understand why did you use "-topo" instead of the input file?
How is the input file linked into the loop?
I use CDO version 1.9.4rc1
Thank you
coordinate.txt (375 Bytes) coordinate.txt | |||
prec_2015.nc (604 KB) prec_2015.nc | |||
script.sh (232 Bytes) script.sh |
RE: Loop "remapnn" command for many locations - Added by Karin Meier-Fleischer about 2 years ago
Hi Christ,
the coordinate.txt file contains a header line which has to be skipped. Instead of echo ${p} use tail -n +2 in your script to skip the first line.
RE: Loop "remapnn" command for many locations - Added by Christ Reflin about 2 years ago
Hi Karin,
Thank you for your prompt response.
I have tried, but it still gets an error.
Could you show me how exactly I use tail -n +2 in the script?
RE: Loop "remapnn" command for many locations - Added by Karin Meier-Fleischer about 2 years ago
I choose another way to create 20 files containing the data for all timesteps. First you have to add a newline to the last line of the coordinates.txt file. Then use the following script:
#!/usr/bin/env bash coords=coordinate.txt infile=prec_2015.nc rm -f extracted*.txt while IFS=, read -r id lon lat do if [[ $id == "id" ]]; then continue fi echo "$id $lon $lat" cdo -s -outputtab,date,lon,lat,value -remapnn,lon=${lon}_lat=${lat} \ $infile >> extracted_${id}.txt done < $coords
Run the script
bash script.sh
RE: Loop "remapnn" command for many locations - Added by Christ Reflin about 2 years ago
Thank you so much, Karin. It works.
I really appreciate your guidance.
RE: Loop "remapnn" command for many locations - Added by Christ Reflin almost 2 years ago
Hello Karin,
Following my comment above,
I am replacing the infile with the infile that contains multiple variables, such as: prec, tmax, tmin, rad, and wind (attached merge_5_variables_example.nc)
Is there a way in cdo to obtain output table with multiple variables where each variable is in a separate column?
This is the output that I expect
date lon lat pr tasmax tasmin rsds wind
2015-01-01 27.95 -26.672 x x x x x
2015-01-02 27.95 -26.672
2015-01-03 27.95 -26.672
In the extracted output (extracted_1.txt)
# date name lon lat value
2015-01-01 pr 27.95 -26.672 0
2015-01-01 tasmax 27.95 -26.672 23.8035
2015-01-01 tasmin 27.95 -26.672 12.2056
2015-01-01 rsds 27.95 -26.672 23.9925
2015-01-01 sfcWind 27.95 -26.672 1.96399
2015-01-02 pr 27.95 -26.672 1.06814e-06
2015-01-02 tasmax 27.95 -26.672 27.0092
2015-01-02 tasmin 27.95 -26.672 12.0303
2015-01-02 rsds 27.95 -26.672 31.6022
2015-01-02 sfcWind 27.95 -26.672 1.65828
2015-01-03 pr 27.95 -26.672 1.52581e-06
2015-01-03 tasmax 27.95 -26.672 30.6931
2015-01-03 tasmin 27.95 -26.672 13.9199
2015-01-03 rsds 27.95 -26.672 29.5652
2015-01-03 sfcWind 27.95 -26.672 1.09478
Adjusting the table manually is gonna hurt me because I have more than 200.000 coordinate points.
Looking forward for your response.
merge_5_variables_example.nc (854 KB) merge_5_variables_example.nc | |||
script.sh (345 Bytes) script.sh | |||
coordinate.txt (377 Bytes) coordinate.txt | |||
extracted_1.txt (22.7 KB) extracted_1.txt |