


compile cdo 1.9.10 with cmor3.3.3

Added by Wei Zhang almost 4 years ago


I want to compile cdo 1.9.10 with cmor3.3.3 , I specify cmor and other package paths like:              
./configure --with-cmor= --with-netcdf= --with-hdf5= --with-eccodes= --with-udunits2= --with-jasper=
I also  add cmor installation path to LDFLAGS, CPPFLAGS and  CPATH, LIBRARY_PATH,  but get error:         
./configure: line 25609: #include: command not found
checking for library containing cmor_load_table... no
configure: error: Could not link to cmor library!
What’s the problem? Thanks!

Replies (6)

RE: compile cdo 1.9.10 with cmor3.3.3 - Added by Fabian Wachsmann almost 4 years ago

Hi Wei Zhang,

can you provide us the file
from the cdo directory?

For linking to cmor3.3, I would use at least:

    export LDFLAGS="-Wl,-rpath,${LPREDIRCMOR}/lib/ -L${LPREDIRCMOR}/lib/ -ljson-c" 
    export CPPFLAGS="-I${LPREDIRCMOR}/include" 

where the package json-c is installed in LPREDIRCMOR as well. You also need the ossp-uuid package for older cmor versions like 3.3.
./configure ... --with-ossp-uuid --disable-util-linux-uuid --with-cmor=${CMOR_PREFIX} ...

I also will try to update the conda installation so that this would work easier.


RE: compile cdo 1.9.10 with cmor3.3.3 - Added by Wei Zhang almost 4 years ago

Hi Fabi,

Thanks for your reply.  My config.log is attached.  I appreciate your help!



RE: compile cdo 1.9.10 with cmor3.3.3 - Added by Wei Zhang almost 4 years ago

Hi Fabi,

Do you mean you will update conda cdo+cmor recently?



RE: compile cdo 1.9.10 with cmor3.3.3 - Added by Fabian Wachsmann almost 4 years ago

Do you mean you will update conda cdo+cmor recently?

Yes. I hope I can do it this week.

In your config.log you have:

/proj/nsc/users/weizhang/ticket/hdf5/install/lib/libcmor.a(cmor.o): In function `cmor_generate_uuid':
/proj/nsc/users/weizhang/ticket/cmor/cmor/Src/cmor.c:3075: undefined reference to `uuid_create'

With the older CMOR versions, there were issues with the UUID packages. I only could install both CMOR and CDO with the OSSP_UUID.
You would have to install CMOR with that package also.


RE: compile cdo 1.9.10 with cmor3.3.3 - Added by Fabian Wachsmann almost 4 years ago

Hi Wei,

conda install --name ${cdoenv} conda-forge/label/dev::cdo -c conda-forge

should work again with the most recent CDO file and most recent conda-forge version of cmor.

