


Daily observations as fractions of the annual mean value (climate change)

Added by Predrag Ignjacevic almost 5 years ago

Hi everyone,

I am interested in creating a so-called "temporal pattern scale" of daily temperature and relative humidity data.
What this entails is that I would need to divide daily observations with the annual mean value.

I have tried using the operator ydaydiv to divide the daily time series by the annual mean series but keep getting an error:

"Day of year index 1 already allocated (date=-583704608)!
terminate called without an active exception"

I am assuming this has to do with the fact that my time series are daily and annual respectively and therefore do not match the ydaydiv requirements.

How would I go about creating a daily time series that presents daily observations as fractions of the annual mean values?

Thank you!


Replies (13)

RE: Daily observations as fractions of the annual mean value (climate change) - Added by Ralf Mueller almost 5 years ago


I think that what you want is simply not what ydaymean does:

  • you want to divide multiyear daily data by the year-mean field of the corresponding year
  • ydaymean does the division of any kind of time-series by the daily mean values of the same day in a year

Can you comment on that? Did I get this right?

RE: Daily observations as fractions of the annual mean value (climate change) - Added by Predrag Ignjacevic almost 5 years ago

Yes Ralf, that is correct.
Therefore, ydaymean would also not work for me as I need the year-mean not the daily mean across many years.

Would you have an idea how this can be solved?
Thank you for your help,


RE: Daily observations as fractions of the annual mean value (climate change) - Added by Ralf Mueller almost 5 years ago

can you upload the input file? if it's to large, maybe a single variable or level is enough for debugging. I think this is solvable in a for loop, but I need the data to avoid getting lost in (possible) details of it

RE: Daily observations as fractions of the annual mean value (climate change) - Added by Predrag Ignjacevic almost 5 years ago

I have tried simply using the div function and it works with the following warning:

Filling up stream2 >filename< by copying all timesteps.

How can I check whether the annual mean values are being filled in for all days of the same year?
This would be the equivalent of what I need.


RE: Daily observations as fractions of the annual mean value (climate change) - Added by Ralf Mueller almost 5 years ago

Sorry for the late reply: I talked to Uwe about your yearly-workflow and he implemented a set of operators for this. I will test is with your data and do some more tests.

RE: Daily observations as fractions of the annual mean value (climate change) - Added by Predrag Ignjacevic almost 5 years ago

This is great, thank you guys!

I have found where the filling up stream case is coming up in the div function:

As mentioned, The issue i that I am not sure what values are being filled in.
Suppose that the daily 5-year data matrix would be of the form (360,720,1800) and the annual 5-year (360,720,5).
The divide function (or daily-to-annual conversion function) would have to be able to convert the (360,720,5) matrix into a (360,720,1800) matrix by filling up the daily matrix values with annual values that correspond to the days of that year.

I believe that you got this already from my previous question but I have tried being as clear as possible :)

Once again, thank you for the help. Hopefully more people would find this new function useful!


RE: Daily observations as fractions of the annual mean value (climate change) - Added by Ralf Mueller almost 5 years ago

filling up the stream is normal for arithmetic operators when you have multiple records in the first input but only a single on in the second input. In this case the single record is re-used for further computation.

you can find the new CDO version here:"". the new operators are

  • yeardiv
  • yearadd
  • yearmul
  • yearsub

For your application the CDO call should look like:

cdo yeardiv


RE: Daily observations as fractions of the annual mean value (climate change) - Added by Predrag Ignjacevic almost 5 years ago

Hi Ralf,

I have installed the package using
sudo make install

However, when I run any of the function, I am faced with an error:
Unsupported file type (library support not compiled in)
To create a CDO application with NetCDF4 support use: ./configure --with-netcdf=<NetCDF4 root directory> ...

Am I not installing this correctly?


RE: Daily observations as fractions of the annual mean value (climate change) - Added by Ralf Mueller almost 5 years ago

you need to have an installation of the netcdf library on your system. what kind of system to you use?

RE: Daily observations as fractions of the annual mean value (climate change) - Added by Predrag Ignjacevic almost 5 years ago

I am using the Windows 10 WSL Ubuntu app.
I used to install the cdo library previously by simply running:
sudo apt install cdo

I could open netcdf files before as well. However, not after installing the new package.

I have installed the netcdf library and the hdtf as well using:
sudo apt-get install libnetcdf-dev libhdf5-dev

I run the configure command...
sudo ./configure --enable-netcdf4 --enable-zlib --with-netcdf=/usr/ --with-hdf5=/usr/

... and get the last few lines before the error printed:

checking hdf5.h usability... no
checking hdf5.h presence... no
checking for hdf5.h... no
checking for library containing H5Fopen... no
configure: error: Cannot link to hdf5!

The config file I have attached.

Thank you for your help!


RE: Daily observations as fractions of the annual mean value (climate change) - Added by Predrag Ignjacevic almost 5 years ago

Hi again,

I simply followed the instructions on the following link and got cdo to work with netcdf properly:

Thank you again for all your help!


RE: Daily observations as fractions of the annual mean value (climate change) - Added by Ralf Mueller almost 5 years ago


good to know, that you could solve it. with

dpkg -L libhdf5-dev
you can check the list of files provided by this package. There should be something like hdf5.h and You can check the features built into the CDO binary with
cdo -V

