



The search syntax is defined here:

It has been simplified to be used from the command line and resemble find_files as closer as possible. But the two command rely on different backends which have different query possibilities.

If you need some files my advise is to first check they are there and how many they are:

$ freva --esgf project=CMIP5 experiment=decadal{1960..1965} variable=tas distrib=false latest=true | wc -l

You can check those urls by just not piping the result to wc (word count)

$ freva --esgf project=CMIP5 experiment=decadal{1960..1965} variable=tas distrib=false latest=true

And you can get the wget script, a bash script written around wget to simplify data download using this:

$ freva --esgf --download-script /tmp/scrip.wget  project=CMIP5 experiment=decadal{1960..1965} variable=tas distrib=false latest=true 
Download script successfully saved to /tmp/scrip.wget

By the way, the search looked for all files stored locally at DKRZ (distrib=false) holding the latest version (latest=true) of the variable tas (variable=tas) for the experiments decadal1960 to decadal1965 (this is a bash construct and not part of the search api!)


The query is of the form key=value. the key might be repeated and/or negated with the 
'_not_' suffix (e.g. model_not_=MPI-ESM-LR experiment=decadal2000 experiment=decadal2001)

Simple query:
    freva --esgf model=MPI-ESM-LR experiment=decadal2001 variable=tas distrib=False

The search API is described here:
Some special query keys:
distrib: (*true*, false) search globally or only at DKRZ (MPI data and replicas)
latest : (true, false, *unset*) search for the latest version, older ones or all.
replica: (true, false, *unset*) search only for replicas, non-replicas, or all.

Usage: freva --esgf [options]

  -d, --debug           turn on debugging info and show stack trace on
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --datasets            List the name of the datasets instead of showing the
  --show-facet=FACET    <list> List all values for the given facet (might be
                        defined multiple times). The results show the possible
                        values of the selected facet according to the given
                        constraints and the number of *datasets* (not files)
                        that selecting such value as a constraint will result
                        (faceted search)
  --opendap             List the name of the datasets instead of showing the
  --gridftp             Show Opendap endpoints instead of the http default
                        ones (or skip them if none found)
                        <file> Download wget_script for getting the files
                        instead of displaying anything (only http)
  --query=QUERY         <list> Display results from <list> queried fields