


Find files

The tool uses the directory structure to look for files.
If the files are not stored in the pre-defined locations they won't show up.
If the directory structure is not standardized the results might not be correct (There's a default for baseline 0 (CMIP5 - DRS), baseline 1 (CMOR), observations (obs4MIPs) and reanalysis (ana4mips))

Versioned Datasets

If the directory structure has version information the default search looks for the most recent file only, the search is as fast but the response takes longer to show, since all files passing the constraint are searched for and then the latest version is trimmed. (might be improved in the future if required)
You might use `--multiversion` to get all versions and version=<version> to get a different version if you like.
In all other cases, the tool shows results as soon as they are found making it really useful for piping to other commands.


$ find_files --help
find_files [opt] query 
  -h, --help           :     :This help
  --baseline           : <n> :search for baseline n data 
  --observations       :     :search for observational data
  --reanalysis         :     :search for reanalysis data
  --multiversion       :     :select not only the latest version but all of them
  -d, --debug          : turn on debuging info

The query is of the form key=value. <value> might use *, ?, [seq] or [!seq] (see python glob).

For Example:
    find_files model=MPI-ESM-LR experiment=decadal200[0-3] time_frequency=*hr variable=?a