



CDO: Version 1.5.4 released

Added by Uwe Schulzweida almost 13 years ago

New features:
  • setgridtype: added parameter lonlat to convert curvilinear to regular lon/lat grids
  • remapcon: added env REMAP_AREA_MIN, to set the minimum area fraction
New operators:
  • timcovar: covariance over time
  • fldcovar: covariance in grid space
Fixed bugs:
  • splitsel: added support for constant fields [Bug #1701]
  • combination of selection commands (e.g. selmon -selyear) do not terminate, if no result found [Bug #1640]

CDO: CDO bindings for Python (1 comment)

Added by Ralf Mueller almost 13 years ago

The scripting language bindings for Ruby have been enlarged to Python! Please have a look at cdo.{rb,py} for installation instructions and some examples.

For reading all unit tests, please register yourself and have a look at source:trunk/cdo/contrib/python/test/ for Python and source:trunk/cdo/contrib/ruby/test/test_cdo.rb for Ruby.

CDO: Ruby module for calling CDO

Added by Ralf Mueller almost 13 years ago

This is the first release of cdo.rb, a Ruby module to call CDO.


cdo.rb is released as a ruby gem, Ruby's own package format. Install cdo.rb with

gem install cdo


Please have a look at the automatic documentation from rubygem:


CDO's operators are implemented as module methods: => "")

Input and output stream arguments are handled special with hash keys :in and :out. Same is true for the other options of CDO like "-f" or "-P":

Cdo.topo(:out => "topography.grb")
Cdo.copy(:in => "topography.grb",:out => "topography.nc4",:options => "-f nc4")

Operator options can be set as standard method arguments:

Cdo.stdatm(0,10,20,50,100,200,500,1000,:out => "",:options => "-f nc")

More example can be found in the unit tests: source:trunk/cdo/contrib/ruby/test/test_cdo.rb.

CDO: Version 1.5.3 released

Added by Uwe Schulzweida about 13 years ago

New features:
  • Variable input parameter for ECA operators: eca_cdd, eca_cwd, eca_rr1, eca_sdii
Fixed bugs:
  • deflate compression with netCDF4 doesn't work (option: -z zip)
  • sellonlatbox: correct lon bounds if necessary
  • ifthen, ifthenelse: uses only the first time step of the first input file
  • module Monarith (monadd, monsub, monmul, mondiv): wrong result for 3D variables

CDI: Version 1.5.3 released

Added by Uwe Schulzweida about 13 years ago

New features:
  • Added support for level type ZAXIS_TOA, ZAXIS_SEA_BOTTOM, ZAXIS_ATMOSPHERE
Fixed bugs:
  • deflate compression with netCDF4 doesn't work

CDO: Version 1.5.2 released

Added by Uwe Schulzweida about 13 years ago

New features:
  • replace: added support to replace single levels
Changed operators:
  • remapeta: Changed minimum pressure level for condensation from 1000Pa to 0Pa.
    Use the environment variable REMAPETA_PTOP to set the minimum pressure level for condensation.
    Above this level the humidity is set to the constant 1.E-6.
Fixed bugs:
  • invertlat: bug fix for CURVILINEAR grids
  • ymon<stat>: preserve time axis attributes (type and calendar)
  • import_binary: added support for OPTION ZREV
  • expr/exprf: wrong result for expression 'constant-field' and 'constant/field' (e.g. 1-field)
    This bug was introduced in CDO version 1.5.1.
  • eof, eoftime, eofspatial, eof3d - Empirical Orthogonal Functions:
    There was a bug in the calculation of the Frobenius norm, which has only been triggered in some cases
    when using a low precision. The normalization has been changed thus that the eigenvectors are not weighted
    and their absolute is 1. The default settings for convergence have been changed to be more conservative:

CDI: Version 1.5.2 released

Added by Uwe Schulzweida about 13 years ago

New features:
  • Added flexible XYZ dimension ordering for netCDF
  • Added support for grid type GRID_FOURIER (fourier coefficients)
  • Added interface function zaxisInqVct to read the VCT

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