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Don't cut - smooth!
Added by Ralf Mueller over 8 years ago
With the last release 1.7.2, there was a new operator introduced called 'smooth
'. It performs a smoothing on a local area for each gridpoint. By default, this area has a radius of one degree and is executed only once.
The following images are based on a 1 degree ocean salinity field. I used it, because it has missing values on land points, which can be filled by smooth
. Of cause field values are changed - if you want to avoid this, consider the operators used for last image: setmisstonn
Replies (1)
RE: Don't cut - smooth! - Added by Ralf Mueller over 8 years ago
Forgot to say: smooth works for unstructured grids. top-left: is original salinity field, right: 3 degree smooth, bottom-left: 6 degree smooth
smooth_icon.png (224 KB) smooth_icon.png |