


daysum vs ydaysum

Added by Chandrakant Singh about 5 years ago

I am kind of confused with the explanation in the documentation about these two syntaxes.
To me, they seem to do the same thing or am I missing something?

Please provide your feedback.
Thanks in advance.

Replies (1)

RE: daysum vs ydaysum - Added by Karin Meier-Fleischer about 5 years ago

Hi Chandrakant,

you missed the fact that daysum only computes the daily sum 'This module computes statistical values over timesteps of the same day'

The result is one timestep per day for each year (e.g. 10 years a 365 days => 3650 timesteps).

The operator ydaysum gives the daily sum of all years 'This module computes statistical values of each day of year'
The result is one timestep per day for all years (e.g. 10 years a 365 days => 365 timesteps).

A short test with both operators will show you the result.

