


[Feature request] Mean diurnal cycle

Added by David Leutwyler about 6 years ago

First of all, thank you for creating and maintaining CDO. It is a fantastic piece of software, substantially increasing my productivity.

I am working in the domain of kilometer-scale climate models, and in the recent years, this community has been growing rapidly. Since these models yield an improved representation of the diurnal cycle of deep convection and precipitation, many of us are are working on this topic. Hence writing small for loops performing the operations to compute it has become a frequent task. For instance, using bash on Linux, this can be done the following way:

for h in $(seq -w 00 23); do
cdo timmean -selhour,$h temp_$
cdo mergetime temp_??.nc

Since CDO supports tends to support the most common use-cases, I think it might be a good candidate for a new operator.

An existing thread referencing this use-case is:

Replies (6)

RE: [Feature request] Mean diurnal cycle - Added by Ralf Mueller about 6 years ago

Hi David!

What about the hourmean operator? docu

RE: [Feature request] Mean diurnal cycle - Added by David Leutwyler about 6 years ago

Hi Ralph

Thanks for your fast response.

Maybe I missunderstand the docu, but I dont think hourmean does what I intend to do. Actually, I tried it on hourly COSMO output.

I am proposing an operator similar to yhourmean, but for multi-day instead of multi-year:
mean{i(t,x),hour(i(t)) = {00..23}

RE: [Feature request] Mean diurnal cycle - Added by Ralf Mueller about 6 years ago

so what you want is an output file with 24 steps? something like dayhourmean ...

RE: [Feature request] Mean diurnal cycle - Added by David Leutwyler almost 6 years ago

Exactly. dhourmean might be a good description.

RE: [Feature request] Mean diurnal cycle - Added by Uwe Schulzweida almost 6 years ago

The CDO operator family dhour<stat> will be available in the next release. A prerelease for testing will be available during the next 2 weeks.


RE: [Feature request] Mean diurnal cycle - Added by David Leutwyler almost 6 years ago

Dear Ralph, dear Uwe

You are awesome!

