Sum of wet days by month from daily data
Added by wade ross almost 5 years ago
Hi all,
I'd like to sum the number of days that have precipitation by month and by year.
I've tried eca_pd,1 and eca_rr1, but they only return the total number for all years.
Is there a command to return wetdays for month and/or year?
Replies (3)
RE: Sum of wet days by month from daily data - Added by wade ross almost 5 years ago
Is this forum active?
RE: Sum of wet days by month from daily data - Added by Ralf Mueller almost 5 years ago
hi wade!
sure - I am just a little busy with other stuff. eca_*
operators do return total numbers in general. if you want to have results over a certain time cycle you need to split the input data according to your plans. you can use the split
operators for that. check
cdo -h splitfor a complete list of them