transfer uv fields from rotated grid (NEMO) to regular grid
Added by amanda gounou about 5 years ago
is it possible to transfert uv field from rotated NEMO grid to a regular grid?
best regards,
Replies (13)
RE: transfer uv fields from rotated grid (NEMO) to regular grid - Added by amanda gounou about 5 years ago
amanda gounou wrote:
is it possible to transfert uv field from rotated NEMO grid to a regular grid?
best regards,
I have tried cdo rotuvb,vozocrtx,vomecrty
but I am getting this error message cdo rotuvb (Abort): Only rotated lon/lat grids supported
RE: transfer uv fields from rotated grid (NEMO) to regular grid - Added by Ralf Mueller about 5 years ago
I think you best ask the NEMO developers how to do that properly.
RE: transfer uv fields from rotated grid (NEMO) to regular grid - Added by Brendan DeTracey about 5 years ago
This might work:cdo mrotuvb,noint -selname,vozocrtx -selname,vomecrty
However, if you have the original NEMO output the u and v grids should be different and u and v should be in separate files:cdo mrotuvb
I have not tested either of these so plot your results and check if they look correct. And please let us know if it works!
RE: transfer uv fields from rotated grid (NEMO) to regular grid - Added by amanda gounou about 5 years ago
Brendan DeTracey wrote:
This might work:
cdo mrotuvb,noint -selname,vozocrtx -selname,vomecrty
However, if you have the original NEMO output the u and v grids should be different and u and v should be in separate files:
cdo mrotuvb
I have not tested either of these so plot your results and check if they look correct. And please let us know if it works!
Thank you Brendan, i ll try this, i ll let you know the results.
RE: transfer uv fields from rotated grid (NEMO) to regular grid - Added by Brendan DeTracey about 5 years ago
I have poked about and seen that muvrotb
is hard-coded to flip the sign of v. To compensate for this I tried
cdo mrotuvb -mulc,-1, however, it looks like the vectors get rotated the wrong way. I don't know if/when I'll have time to look into this. I really was hoping for an easy cdo fix for NEMO rotations.
RE: transfer uv fields from rotated grid (NEMO) to regular grid - Added by stephane LAW CHUNE over 2 years ago
Hi Brendan,
I try to do the same than Amanda on ORCA12 (NEMO 1/12°, Arakawa, curvilinear grid) and we have compared this method with what is coded in NEMO for vector rotation. On this screenshot:
- is the original meridional velocity field (V grid)
- mergeUV_rotate is the meridional velocity field obtained when applying the procedures detailed within the NEMO routines
- is the meridional velocity field obtained when applying mrotuvb without multiplying the V component by 1 is the meridional velocity field obtained when applying mrotuvb with multiplying the V component by -1
diff1, bottom, is the difference between the mrotuvb method and the NEMO method for the v,meridional component ( -
diff1, top, is the same diffence, but for the u,zonal component.
As you can see, the differences are not so big (~E-5 m/s), mostly near the coast and probably because we didn't use extrapolation. But, the main concern comes for the -180/180 lon line and the western side border that are badly handled with the cdo rot method. Is this because this was developed for regional models ? Can we hope a fix in the future for global models ?
Cheers, Stéphane and Romain from Mercator Océan.
RE: transfer uv fields from rotated grid (NEMO) to regular grid - Added by Brendan DeTracey over 2 years ago
Hi Guys!
Thanks for sharing your results. I keep trying to spread the message (cdo, CF-metadata, esmvaltool, et cetera) that a tool is needed for this purpose. I think the hot spots near your coastline are from the differences in the land mask between u and v Arakawa grid locations. In some places a value of 0 is being used for u and v, instead of the location being masked out. That is my guess. Keep in mind this cdo function was developed for a specific model grid for use in-house at MPI. I think that is why there is that seam at the anti-meridian.
I am just a cdo, user, like you. I have no idea if this could be easily fixed. Perhaps you could suggest this functionality in the cdo "Issues" as a request for a new feature, i.e. a mrotuvb
that works for NEMO ocean grids.
RE: transfer uv fields from rotated grid (NEMO) to regular grid - Added by Brendan DeTracey over 2 years ago
Just found and might be worth a look: []
Edit: Does not do vector interpolation/rotation
RE: transfer uv fields from rotated grid (NEMO) to regular grid - Added by Estanislao Gavilan over 2 years ago
Hi Guys,
You cannot use that function to rotate the vectors from the orca grid. The MPIO grid has a different configuration than the orca grid. For instance, the latitude of the MPIO grid is flipped. That is why people obtain those results where the v component is inverted. Now you cannot change the sign of the rotated v component because the u and v depend on the velocity components of the rotated grid. I wrote to the NEMO community a few days ago regarding this rotation. You need to follow these steps if you want to rotate the u and v components from NEMO.
To correct the vectors, you need to follow this equation.
u_latlon_T = u_rot_T cos(alpha_T) - v_rot_T sin(alpha_T)
v_latlon_T = u_rot_T sin(alpha_T) + v_rot_T cos(alpha_T)
As you can see here, the u_latlon depends on both components. The real issue is to compute the alpha_T. You can find how to calculate this angle in this file geo2oce.F90 (look for angle) from NEMO.
PS: I leave you the link to the post here
RE: transfer uv fields from rotated grid (NEMO) to regular grid - Added by Brendan DeTracey over 2 years ago
Thanks so much Estanislao. The elephant is still in the room with respect to Arakawa u and v grid offsets. I keep waiting anyone to provide the proper tools for these transformations. I used to have a matlab script based on the NEMO fortran code, but that is not a realistic thing to ask of data end users IMHO.
RE: transfer uv fields from rotated grid (NEMO) to regular grid - Added by stephane LAW CHUNE over 2 years ago
Hi everyone,
thanks for your thoughts. As I said, we already use a series of cdo/nco commands with respect to what is done in geo2oce.F90, see the code below (the angle components gcost,gsint of our grid are already in our meshmask file)
# gridU to gridT time cdo -P $NCORE shiftx ${fileu_filled} ${fileu_shifted} time cdo -P $NCORE ensmean ${fileu_filled} ${fileu_shifted} ${fileUT} # gridV to gridT time cdo -P $NCORE shifty ${filev_filled} ${filev_shifted} time cdo -P $NCORE ensmean ${filev_filled} ${filev_shifted} ${fileVT} # extract angle components if [ ! -f ] ; then ncks -v gcost,gsint /scratch/work/bourdaller/MESH_MASK/ fi # merge all variable into one file to operate time cdo -P $NCORE merge ${fileUT} ${fileVT} $file_full_rotate # rotate the velocity components time cdo -P $NCORE -f nc4 -expr,'sozocrtxT=sozocrtx*gcost-somecrty*gsint;somecrtyT=sozocrtx*gsint+somecrty*gcost' $file_full_rotate ${fileuv}
It's works fine but it would be nicer if this could be done with only one command
RE: transfer uv fields from rotated grid (NEMO) to regular grid - Added by Brendan DeTracey over 2 years ago
Have gcost
and gsint
always been available in the NEMO mesh mask file? I can't recall.
RE: transfer uv fields from rotated grid (NEMO) to regular grid - Added by romain Bourdalle-Badie over 2 years ago
Hi everyone,
By default, gcost/gsint aren't in the meshmask. We have added its.
I think the sens of the grid can be easly treated by considering -V, but the main problem for mrotuvb to be NEMO compatible is the -180/180.
I suppose there is a longitude difference somewhere in the code to compute alpha_T, and maybe a fix like:
"diff_lon=where(diff_lon > 360., diff_lon-360., diff_lon)" could be added in mrotuvb code ?