CDO creates non-integer time
Added by Charles Manson about 13 years ago
I have netcdf files that represent annual average temperature.
This is 1 value per file.
So 140 years = 140 annual average files.
I cat them to 1 file, representing 1 ensemble (140 years).
The problem is that the time dimension becomes a float.
GrADS needs the time dimension to be integer, and in fact the first two timesteps in the file are integer, i.e t=1 and then t=2.
For the third timestep I get something like t=3.0345.
Have I compiled wrongly?
What creates this problem?
Replies (6)
RE: CDO creates non-integer time - Added by Charles Manson almost 13 years ago
Does anyone have an idea?
Or is there a way to rectify this?
RE: CDO creates non-integer time - Added by Ralf Mueller almost 13 years ago
Could you provide some example files? Which CDO version do you use? Please post the output of
cdo -VPlease note the recommendations for getting help on CDO here.
RE: CDO creates non-integer time - Added by Charles Manson almost 13 years ago
Hi Ralf,
Sorry about that.
I've attached sample files including the config.log of my CDO compile (zip file).
The netcdf files are 9 year individual annual averages and the result of "cat".
I've also attached the source of the 9 annual average files, which is basically individual files with 12 monthly averages (tar file).
cdo -V gives:
Climate Data Operators version 1.5.3 ( Compiler: gcc -std=gnu99 -g -O2 -pthread version: gcc (GCC) 4.1.2 20080704 (Red Hat 4.1.2-46) with: PTHREADS Z Compiled: by mogesh on (x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu) Jan 23 2012 11:47:55 CDI library version : 1.5.3 of Jan 23 2012 11:47:51 CGRIBEX library version : 1.5.1 of Aug 29 2011 20:30:27 netCDF library version : "3.6.3" of Jan 7 2012 19:23:06 $ SERVICE library version : 1.3.0 of Jan 23 2012 11:47:42 EXTRA library version : 1.3.0 of Jan 23 2012 11:47:39 IEG library version : 1.3.0 of Jan 23 2012 11:47:41 FILE library version : 1.7.1 of Jan 23 2012 11:47:40
Individual files display fine.
It's only after the "cat" command do I get trouble, i.e in GrADS.
ga-> sdfopen Scanning self-describing file: SDF file is open as file 1 LON set to -20 60 LAT set to -20 20 LEV set to 0 0 Time values set: 1961:12:31:12 1961:12:31:12 E set to 1 1 ga-> q file File 1 : Descriptor: Binary: Type = Gridded Xsize = 161 Ysize = 81 Zsize = 1 Tsize = 9 Esize = 1 Number of Variables = 1 tscrn 0 t,y,x Screen temperature ga-> set t 1 9 Time values set: 1961:12:31:12 1970:8:31:12 ga-> d tscrn Contouring: 288 to 306 interval 2 Contouring: 288 to 306 interval 2 Data Request Error: Invalid grid coordinates World coordinates convert to non-integer grid coordinates Variable = tscrn Dimension = 3 Error ocurred at column 1 DISPLAY error: Invalid expression Expression = tscrn ga->
What's strange is that I use "cat" to join other averages (e.g. monthly and daily) and I don't get this issue. (372 KB) | The annual set | ||
ccam_cluva_mpi.1960s.tscrn.monthly.tar (2.73 MB) ccam_cluva_mpi.1960s.tscrn.monthly.tar | The monthly set |
RE: CDO creates non-integer time - Added by Ralf Mueller almost 13 years ago
Hi Charles!
- in all of your files the dimension time is of type double (analyzed with
):double time(time) ; time:standard_name = "time" ; time:units = "minutes since 1961-01-01 00:00:00" ; time:calendar = "standard" ; time = 524880, 1050480, 1576080, 2103120, 2628720, 3154320, 3679920, 4206960, 4732560 ;
- I created the 1960s file myself with cdo-1.5.4 and the result is the same as your 60s file
- I could create an image with grads:
Grid Analysis and Display System (GrADS) Version 2.0.a9 Copyright (c) 1988-2010 by Brian Doty and the Institute for Global Environment and Society (IGES) GrADS comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY See file COPYRIGHT for more information Config: v2.0.a9 little-endian readline printim grib2 netcdf hdf4-sds hdf5 opendap-grids,stn athena geotiff shapefile Issue 'q config' command for more detailed configuration information Landscape mode? ('n' for portrait): y GX Package Initialization: Size = 11 8.5 ga-> sdfopen Scanning self-describing file: SDF file is open as file 1 LON set to -20 60 LAT set to -20 20 LEV set to 0 0 Time values set: 1961:12:31:12 1961:12:31:12 E set to 1 1 ga-> q file File 1 : Descriptor: Binary: Type = Gridded Xsize = 161 Ysize = 81 Zsize = 1 Tsize = 9 Esize = 1 Number of Variables = 1 tscrn 0 t,y,x Screen temperature ga-> set gxout shaded ga-> d tscrn Contouring: 288 to 306 interval 2 ga-> printim test.gif gif x480 y640 white ga-> quit
My conclusion is, that cdo does not seem to have a problem, but grads. You might try a newer version.
RE: CDO creates non-integer time - Added by Charles Manson almost 13 years ago
Hi Ralf,
Thanks for having a look.
Before you do "d tscrn", could you also "set t 1 9" and then try?
That way GrADS will try and display each timestep.
I get the error at the 3rd entry.
I'll also try on various versions of GrADS and see what happens.
I don't think time being a double is a good thing though.
RE: CDO creates non-integer time - Added by Ralf Mueller almost 13 years ago
ga-> sdfopen Scanning self-describing file: SDF file is open as file 1 LON set to -20 60 LAT set to -20 20 LEV set to 0 0 Time values set: 1961:12:31:12 1961:12:31:12 E set to 1 1 ga-> set t 1 9 Time values set: 1961:12:31:12 1970:8:31:12 ga-> d tscrn Contouring: 288 to 306 interval 2 Contouring: 288 to 306 interval 2 Data Request Error: Invalid grid coordinates World coordinates convert to non-integer grid coordinates Variable = tscrn Dimension = 3 Error ocurred at column 1 DISPLAY error: Invalid expression Expression = tscrn