Spectral to Gaussian linear grib files - cdo sp2gpl
Added by Margarida Samso about 5 years ago
When trying to convert an spectral grib file (ifile) to a grib file (ofile) with a Gaussian linear grid, the ofile loses all the stepRange values (all turn to zero). The command used in Python is the next:
cdo.sp2gpl(input=ifile, output=ofile)
Is this command rigth? Why the stepRange values turn to zero?
Thank you very much in advance.
Best regards,
Replies (7)
RE: Spectral to Gaussian linear grib files - cdo sp2gpl - Added by Ralf Mueller about 5 years ago
yes, the python command looks good. But let's stick to the command line for now:
- which CDO version do you use?
- could you upload the input file for further testing?
RE: Spectral to Gaussian linear grib files - cdo sp2gpl - Added by Margarida Samso about 5 years ago
Hi Ralf,
Thank you very much for your quick answer. I use the next CDO version: CDO/1.6.3-foss-2018b
I upload an input file of Control Forecast ensemble from ECMWF (g500_19980104.grb).
Please, if you need more information, don't hesitate to ask and I'll be glad to send it to you.
ensforhc_cf.zip (67.8 MB) ensforhc_cf.zip |
RE: Spectral to Gaussian linear grib files - cdo sp2gpl - Added by Ralf Mueller about 5 years ago
hi Marga!
wow - cdo-16.6.3 is from 2014! I rechecked the above call with cdo-1.9.8 and the stepRange is identical to the one of your input file. So I guess it's a good reason to update. Is this possible for you?
RE: Spectral to Gaussian linear grib files - cdo sp2gpl - Added by Margarida Samso about 5 years ago
Hi Ralf,
Thank you very much for your help, we used the version CDO/1.9.5-foss-2018b for Control Forecast ensemble files and it works properly. Unfortunately, I found it doesn't work for Perturbed Forecast ensemble files, so I attach one file of this type in case you could do some tests.
Thank you very much in advance.
Best regards,
g500_19990104_ts.grb (31.3 MB) g500_19990104_ts.grb |
RE: Spectral to Gaussian linear grib files - cdo sp2gpl - Added by Margarida Samso about 5 years ago
Hi Ralf,
Any news about the Perturbed Forecast ensemble file?
Please, if you need more information don't hesitate to ask.
Thank you!!
Best regards,
RE: Spectral to Gaussian linear grib files - cdo sp2gpl - Added by Ralf Mueller about 5 years ago
hi Marga!
I checked your new input file, but 1.9.6, 1.9.8 and 1.8.2 set stepRange
to zero - sorry. I currently have no workaround for this.
RE: Spectral to Gaussian linear grib files - cdo sp2gpl - Added by Margarida Samso about 5 years ago
Hi Rafa!
Thank you for taking care of it. Yes, it's very strange what happens with this file, we'll try to do some trick.
Thank you anyway!
Best regards,