Mapping emissions of scandinavia
Added by Yousef Albuhaisi over 5 years ago
Dear All,
I am an extremely fresh user of CDO ( which I found so helpful) who is asking for help!
I am modelling CH4 emissions of Scandinavia, however, I have difficulties in getting my each cell emission value divided by its cell area.
my targeted area is within lon lat box 2,42,55,72 and I want to calculate my emissions over land area only.
Looking Forward.
Replies (13)
RE: Mapping emissions of scandinavia - Added by Ralf Mueller over 5 years ago
hi Yousef!
your input is a regular lonlat grid, so CDO can compute the area of each gridcell (operator: gridarea
). In order to perform a division by it you might chain both streams like:
cdo -div <your input file> -gridarea <your input file> <your output file>
RE: Mapping emissions of scandinavia - Added by Yousef Albuhaisi over 5 years ago
Hi Ralf,
It worked !! Thank you. one more question;
I want to know my total grid area(land only), and to have my emissions only on the land surface, not in all the lon lat box.
Thanks in advance.
RE: Mapping emissions of scandinavia - Added by Ralf Mueller over 5 years ago
total sum would be
cdo -fldsum -gridarea <ifile>for land-only I have to know, how to tell water from land.
RE: Mapping emissions of scandinavia - Added by Ralf Mueller over 5 years ago
basically you set the cells you want to ignore to missing_value
and fldsum will ignore them
RE: Mapping emissions of scandinavia - Added by Yousef Albuhaisi over 5 years ago
I did the following,
I want to mask out see values, I created land-sea mask
cdo -f nc2 setctomiss,0 -gtc,0 -sellonlatbox,2,42,55,72 -remapcon,r3600x1800 -topo
cdo ifthen
cdo -div -gridarea
cdo -fldsum -gridarea , gives an error! ( cdo fldsum (Abort): Too few streams specified! Operator needs 1 input and 1 output streams.)
RE: Mapping emissions of scandinavia - Added by Ralf Mueller over 5 years ago
cdo -fldsum -gridarea methane_new.ncyou need to specify an output file. the rest looks fine to me
RE: Mapping emissions of scandinavia - Added by Yousef Albuhaisi over 5 years ago
Thanks again.
A question about the area. The has an area of 3.7e+12 m2 which is the total area of the all target grid box. However, what I want is the area of the girds on lands which I could not have it yet :-( I don't know what problem I did.
RE: Mapping emissions of scandinavia - Added by Ralf Mueller over 5 years ago
could u upload the file?
RE: Mapping emissions of scandinavia - Added by Yousef Albuhaisi over 5 years ago
here you are, (88.4 KB) |
RE: Mapping emissions of scandinavia - Added by Ralf Mueller over 5 years ago
I meant the file, sorry
RE: Mapping emissions of scandinavia - Added by Yousef Albuhaisi over 5 years ago
when I do ncview, it says all values are identical. (45.4 KB) |
RE: Mapping emissions of scandinavia - Added by Ralf Mueller about 5 years ago
Yousef Albuhaisi wrote:
when I do ncview, it says all values are identical.
this is because it correctly ignors all missing values at sea points. land points are all 1
RE: Mapping emissions of scandinavia - Added by Yousef Albuhaisi about 5 years ago
thank you so much!