What is cdiGribDataScanningMode?
Added by Lina Neunhäuserer over 5 years ago
I am remapping 3D COSMO-D2 output to a lon-lat grid (which works fine) and
afterwards would like to rewrite the output of the remapping in service format:
cdo settime,00:00:00 -setdate,2018-02-01 -remapbil,${newGRID} laf2018010100_sorted HHL_newGrid
cdo -f srv copy HHL_newGrid HHL_newGrid.srv
The rewriting command produces the following message:
cdo copy: Processed 11708928 values from 1 variable over 1 timestep [0.29s 70MB]
cdo copy/selall : UNCHANGED_RECORD=0
cdo copy/selall : cdiGribDataScanningMode=0; lcopy=0
I run these commands with older versions of cdo without ever getting this message.
So what does it mean?
It is, however, not followed by an explicit error message, and a file "HHL_newGrid.srv" is produced.
I am sorry I cannot provide the data files to the public, but I attached the output of
"cdo info" and "cdo sinfo" for the HHL_newGrid-data. From that it seems at least that all
necessary information has been transferred from HHL_newGrid to HHL_newGrid.srv, but still
I would like to now why this message appears.
The cdo version I am using here is (cdo -V):
Climate Data Operators version 1.9.6 (http://mpimet.mpg.de/cdo)
System: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu
Libraries: HDF5/1.10.4 proj/5.2 curl/7.64.0(h7.63.0)
Filetypes: srv ext ieg grb1 grb2 nc1 nc2 nc4 nc4c nc5
CDI library version : 1.9.6
ecCodes library version : 2.12.0
NetCDF library version : 4.6.2 of Nov 20 2018 06:04:35 $
hdf5 library version : library undefined
exse library version : 1.4.1
FILE library version : 1.8.3
HHL_newGrid.sinfo.txt (952 Bytes) HHL_newGrid.sinfo.txt | |||
HHL_newGrid.srv.sinfo.txt (548 Bytes) HHL_newGrid.srv.sinfo.txt | |||
HHL_newGrid.info.txt (7.13 KB) HHL_newGrid.info.txt | |||
HHL_newGrid.srv.info.txt (7.13 KB) HHL_newGrid.srv.info.txt |
Replies (2)
RE: What is cdiGribDataScanningMode? - Added by Uwe Schulzweida over 5 years ago
Hi Lina,
this is only debug output, you can ignore these lines!
It seems that we have forgotten to deactivate it.
RE: What is cdiGribDataScanningMode? - Added by Lina Neunhäuserer over 5 years ago
Hi Uwe,
okay, that's easy, thank you for the answer.
Best regards, Lina