


MODIS to Himawari-8 reprojection

Added by Miles Sowden over 6 years ago

I'm hoping someone can save me heaps of time. I am wanting to convert MODIS files to Himawari-8 projection. My guess is that both need to be reprojected to a regular lat-long grid. has some help but I'm also getting the generic error fault. (2.95 MB) Modis one variable

Replies (1)

RE: MODIS to Himawari-8 reprojection - Added by Miles Sowden over 6 years ago

Sorry hit enter instead of adding more files :-)
The files are examples only, times don't match. MODIS files are multiple small files covering different areas that must be stitched together.
I used ncl_convert2nc *.hdf to convert to netCDF format
and I think gdal can be used to create nc not tiff files
gdalwarp -overwrite -r cubic -t_srs '+proj=latlong +a=6378137 +b=6356752' -te 70 -70 200 70 -tr 0.05 0.05 Him.tif -co "COMPRESS=DEFLATE" -co "TILED=YES"
