settaxis change grid
Added by Guido Fioravanti about 7 years ago
I have noticed that the grid of my netCDF files changes after setting the time axis (cdo settaxis). My input files are ERA5 reanalysis reprojected to a UTM grid (epsg 32632) using
the R raster package. These files are perfectly aligned to my reference grid for Italy, while a slight shift is apparent after setting their time axis with cdo.
Why? I would expect the grid not to change with the temporal axis.
Replies (7)
RE: settaxis change grid - Added by Karin Meier-Fleischer about 7 years ago
Hi Guido,
can you upload a test file and the cdo command you are using.
RE: settaxis change grid - Added by Guido Fioravanti about 7 years ago
now I upload the images of my netCDF files before and after using the command:
cdo settaxis,2015-01-01,00:00:00,1days
The yellow raster (newtCDF file, epsg 32632 from R raster package) perfectly fits my reference grid for Italy. Unfortunately, the R raster package cannot set the time axis. At this purpose I use cdo (command above).
After setting the time axis is apparent a slight shift in my grid (in the second picture you can see both the yellow, pre-settaxis, and black, post-settaxis, grids, while it should be visible only the black grid overlaying the yellow one).
RE: settaxis change grid - Added by Guido Fioravanti about 7 years ago
Here are two files,
the one before settaxis and the one after cdo settaxis.
The original files have 365 timestamps but they are too big to upload.
Guido (29.4 MB) | file before settaxis | || (29.4 MB) | after settaxis |
RE: settaxis change grid - Added by Karin Meier-Fleischer about 7 years ago
There is no correct time dimension in the file. The variable z has to be changed to time and the units to "days since 2015-01-01 00:00:00". Those operations can't be done by CDO but NCO can do it.
Rename the dimension z to time
ncrename -O -d z,time -v z,time $infile
Change attributes of time
ncatted -O -a units,time,o,c,"days since 2015-01-01 00:00:00" -a long_name,time,o,c,"time"
Now, let CDO do the correct settings for time (e.g. calendar attribute)
cdo settaxis,2015-01-01,,1days
Hope this helps.
RE: settaxis change grid - Added by Guido Fioravanti about 7 years ago
Dear Karin,
thanks for your help.
I followed your steps (ncrename -> ncatted -> cdo settaxis) and unfortunately I still have a final output not perfectly aligned with my refrence grid.
The "" file from ncatted fits my grid perfectly, while the from "cdo settaxis" is shifted as in the image I uploaded in my previous post.
Any idea?
RE: settaxis change grid - Added by Karin Meier-Fleischer about 7 years ago
Hi Guido,
I've tested the two files using NCL to read the variables and plot one variable and its grid over the other variable with its grid. The northing and the easting are identical and the variables, too. The plot does not show any difference, too. See attached PNG plot file. grid lines - thick blue; the yellow color represent the data. grid lines - thinner green; the dashed lines represent the data.
Sample Images
plot_both.png (88.3 KB) plot_both.png | NCL plot file from variable |
RE: settaxis change grid - Added by Guido Fioravanti about 7 years ago
Thanks Karin,
actually it seems to be a problem with QGIS.
Nonethelesse, thanks for your help.