Fitting values for detrending
Added by Matthias Worni about 9 years ago
Hello everyone
I have a method that I tested in Rstudio and I would like to implement this method to cdo since I have to adapt that method to different files and could save some time doing it. So here is my problem. I have a 400 year long SST Anomaly dataset from a Climate model that cointains a trend in the approximately last 150 years. I suggest this is forced by CO2 increase and there fore made the following regression to fit the trend: SSt <- Intercept + b * CO2. I then took the fitted values and subtracted them from the SSt(Anomaly) file, which gave me an stationary Time Series. Applying this method to cdo I got stuck hoewever. I tried the following thing: cdo trend // cdo subtrend The result was not what I was looking for. Does anyone has a suggestion to solve this issue. Thanks for the help
Replies (1)
RE: Fitting values for detrending - Added by Ralf Mueller about 9 years ago
Have you checked the expr
operator? It can create new data field from exiting ones using freely defined formulars.