Error in shiftime
Added by Daniela Faggiani Dias over 11 years ago
Dear all,
I need to change the date of some files, for minus one day. I try to do it using the following command:
cdo shifttime,-1day
But it doesn't work well...the date of my file "" is 2011-04-02 and the date of the file "" should be 2011-04-01, but in fact it becomes 2147-05-08. Actually, if I go forward, for example "cdo shifttime,1day", it works well, or if I go backward, but using month instead of days, for example "cdo shifttime,-1month" it also works well.
I have no ideia why...
Can anyone help me with this?
Thank you!
PS: The file "" is attached and my cdo version is 1.6.0
Replies (5)
RE: Error in shiftime - Added by Uwe Schulzweida over 11 years ago
Thanks for this information. This Bug is already fixed in the latest CDO version 1.6.1.
RE: Error in shiftime - Added by joao ferreira over 3 years ago
I think there is still a bug in shifttime...
Just try to subtract 1 min to this file...
Thanks (282 KB) |
RE: Error in shiftime - Added by Uwe Schulzweida over 3 years ago
Your time variable has the unit minutes and stores the value in 32bit floats.
float XTIME(XTIME) ; XTIME:units = "minutes since 1979-01-01 00:00:00" ;The accuracy (resolution) is therefore only 2 minutes. For a higher accuracy the time variable must be stored in 64bit floats. This can be done with the NCO tool ncap2:
ncap2 -s 'XTIME=double(XTIME)'
RE: Error in shiftime - Added by joao ferreira over 3 years ago
How do you get 2 min resolution?
The funny thing is that I'm doing 1 min shifttime every hour since 1979 and the first timestep that this happened was 2010-11-24 at 21:00.
I know that the number of minutes is pretty big at this date/time but still very much smaller than 2^32...
RE: Error in shiftime - Added by Uwe Schulzweida over 3 years ago
You are right, my answer was a bit inaccurate. 32-bit floats use 23-bits to store the decimal number. The precision depends on the value of the number. Values greater than 2^24 (16777216) have a fixed interval > 1. See section "Precision limitations" in
In your example file the time value (number of minutes) is 16777260 and if you subtract one you get the number 16777259. This number cannot be represented as a 32-bit float and is therefore stored as the value 16777260.