


Trouble compiling cdo 1.6.1-rc6 with libs4cdo-0.0.10

Added by Raphael Idalgo Mena over 11 years ago

Hello everyone, I'm new to the cdo/linux world, and I'm having some troubles with compiling/installing cdo with libs4cdo-0.0.10.
I succeeded at installing the libraries in a directory called "cdo" in my "local" folder, but after that when I try to compile/install cdo to the same folder it fails on make check (after I run ./configure and make).
I get this message: ======================================================================
ERROR: test_info (main.TestInfo)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "./../test/", line 10, in test_info
cdo = Cdo()
File "/home/leoc1/local/cdo-1.6.1rc6/contrib/python/", line 74, in init
self.libs = self.getSupportedLibs()
File "/home/leoc1/local/cdo-1.6.1rc6/contrib/python/", line 217, in getSupportedLibs
withs = re.findall('with: (.*)',retvals1)[0].split(' ')
IndexError: list index out of range


Replies (5)

RE: Trouble compiling cdo 1.6.1-rc6 with libs4cdo-0.0.10 - Added by Ralf Mueller over 11 years ago


At first a questions about your environment: What linux distro do you use? It might be, that there is a precompiles cdo package for you. For getting the manual compilation done, please upload the config.log file from the configure call for cdo.


RE: Trouble compiling cdo 1.6.1-rc6 with libs4cdo-0.0.10 - Added by Raphael Idalgo Mena over 11 years ago

Hello Ralf, sorry for the late answer, I got some issues over here.
Well, I'm using ubuntu 12.04.2
Here is my config.log


config.log (68.5 KB) config.log My config.log

RE: Trouble compiling cdo 1.6.1-rc6 with libs4cdo-0.0.10 - Added by Raphael Idalgo Mena over 11 years ago

I actually succeeded at the installation.
Thanks for the help!


RE: Trouble compiling cdo 1.6.1-rc6 with libs4cdo-0.0.10 - Added by Ralf Mueller over 11 years ago

I've gone through the error message and it indicates an error in the cdo-bindings to python: The output format of the output of

cdo -V
has changed, but the cdo-bindings do not reflect this. so - thanks for your help, too!
