cdo: remapping Geostationary Grid into lonlat grid
Added by Tahmida Sarker Muna 9 months ago
I am lost while trying to remap CM SAF CLoud property Instantaneous ( dataset into lat/long based projection.
The data currently has whole globe observation (METEOSAT disk). I want to remap it into geographic coordinate system based netCDF. I am trying to remap using the projection information from provided Auxiliary data ( I retrieved the projection information from the auxiliary file to a .gdr file (00_Class3.grd). Then using this command for remapping.
$ cdo remapbil,00_Class3.grd,
but its showing this output
cdo remapbil (Abort): Too many arguments! Need 1 found 2.
This is my first time using linux & cdo for processing such data. Am I missing something in the processing? It would be great if any kind soul can help me with it.
Projection information from the data:
gridID 1
gridtype = projection
gridsize = 13778944
xsize = 3712
ysize = 3712
xname = x
xlongname = "x coordinate of projection"
xunits = "radian"
yname = y
ylongname = "y coordinate of projection"
yunits = "radian"
xfirst = -0.155613222592103
xinc = 8.38433311379864e-05
yfirst = 0.155613222592103
yinc = -8.38433311379864e-05
scanningMode = 64
grid_mapping = projection
grid_mapping_name = geostationary
long_name = "projection information"
perspective_point_height = 35785831.
latitude_of_projection_origin = 0.
longitude_of_projection_origin = 0.
sweep_angle_axis = "y"
semi_minor_axis = 6356583.8
semi_major_axis = 6378169.
gridID 2
gridtype = generic
gridsize = 1
scanningMode = 64
Projection information from the Auxiliary data:
gridID 1
gridtype = lonlat
gridsize = 12960000
xsize = 3600
ysize = 3600
xname = lon
xlongname = "Longitude"
xunits = "degrees_east"
yname = lat
ylongname = "Latitude"
yunits = "degrees_north"
xfirst = -89.975
xinc = 0.05
yfirst = -89.975
yinc = 0.05
scanningMode = 64
Replies (5)
RE: cdo: remapping Geostationary Grid into lonlat grid - Added by Karin Meier-Fleischer 9 months ago
The CTX file contains coordinates with units in radians, therefore you need a gridfile for the CTX input file like
# # gridID 1 # gridtype = projection gridsize = 13778944 xsize = 3712 ysize = 3712 xname = x xlongname = "x coordinate of projection" xunits = "radian" yname = y ylongname = "y coordinate of projection" yunits = "radian" xfirst = -0.155613222592103 xinc = 8.38433311379864e-05 yfirst = 0.155613222592103 yinc = -8.38433311379864e-05 grid_mapping = projection grid_mapping_name = geostationary long_name = "projection information" perspective_point_height = 35785831. latitude_of_projection_origin = 0. longitude_of_projection_origin = 0. sweep_angle_axis = "y" semi_minor_axis = 6356583.8 semi_major_axis = 6378169. proj_params = "+proj=geos +h=35785831.0 +lon_0=0.r +lat_0=0.r +a=6378169. +b=6356583.8 +sweep=y +no_defs" # # gridID 2 # gridtype = generic gridsize = 1
Then try (this takes a long time):
cdo -P 8 -remapnn, -setgrid,g.txt
RE: cdo: remapping Geostationary Grid into lonlat grid - Added by Tahmida Sarker Muna 9 months ago
I tried with your suggestion. But now it's showing
cdo(1) setgrid (Abort): xsize undefined
00_grid.txt.txt (848 Bytes) 00_grid.txt.txt | grid file txt |
RE: cdo: remapping Geostationary Grid into lonlat grid - Added by Tahmida Sarker Muna 9 months ago
Apologies. Its on the run. It was showing that because of one of my typo.
Another follow up query!
I literally have around 100 such files which I need to remap in such way. Is it possible to make a loop over here? Any tips for quicker processing?
RE: cdo: remapping Geostationary Grid into lonlat grid - Added by Miles Sowden 8 months ago
I have been trying for about 6 years to get this issue resolved. Best fix so far is to use gdal.It only works on one parameter at a time and you need to reset all attributes. here is some test code I use that you are welcome to adapt.
#!/bin/bash # Reproject data echo "Starting reprojection of data..." for f in dX_2019121000_B*.nc; do base=$(basename "$f" .nc) echo "Reprojecting $base..." gdalwarp -t_srs EPSG:4326 -te 85 -45 160 50 -tr 0.02 0.02 -r cubic "$f" wgs_${base}.nc & done wait echo "Reprojection complete." # Translate to NetCDF echo "Translating reprojected files to NetCDF..." for f in wgs_dX_2019121000_B*.nc; do base=$(basename "$f" .nc | sed 's/^wgs_//') gdal_translate -of netCDF -a_srs EPSG:4326 wgs_${base}.nc "${base}.nc" done wait echo "Translation complete." # Rename variable names and set properties echo "Setting variable names and time for reprojected files..." for f in dX_2019121000_B*.nc; do base=$(basename "$f" .nc) param_name=$(echo $base | cut -d'_' -f3) # Extracts B07, BTD14_15, etc. echo "Setting variable name for $base to $param_name..." ncrename -v Band1,$param_name "${base}.nc" time_val=$(date -d "2019-12-10 00:00:00" +%s) ncap2 -O -s "defdim(\"time\",1); time[time]=$time_val" "${base}.nc" "${base}.nc" ncatted -O -a units,time,o,c,"seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00" -a reftime,time,o,c,"2019-12-10 00:00:00" "${base}.nc" done echo "Variable names and properties set."
RE: cdo: remapping Geostationary Grid into lonlat grid - Added by Ralf Mueller 8 months ago
thx for posting your workaround, Miles ;-)