Model level to pressure interpolation for ICON
Added by Guido Cioni 12 months ago
Hi all,
I was just wondering if anyone has ever tried to use CDO to interpolate the data on model levels to pressure levels.
I think the standard `ml2pl` function won't work here as the levels are defined differently in ICON.
I'm trying to interpolate some of the variables available on the ICON-EU opendata server that have no output on pressure levels.
Replies (5)
RE: Model level to pressure interpolation for ICON - Added by Ralf Mueller 12 months ago
Hi Guido!
for ICON please check ap2pl
and related operators. They are designed to work with ICON. cdo -h ap2pl
RE: Model level to pressure interpolation for ICON - Added by Guido Cioni 12 months ago
Thanks, didn't know about that.
I tried but it's not really clear to me what is CDO looking for in the pressure.
The documentation states
The air pressure is identified by the NetCDF CF standard
name air_pressure
so I tried to rename the pressure variable to have both its name and long_name
attributes as "air_pressure"
float air_pressure(time, height, lat, lon) ;
pres:long_name = "air_pressure" ;
pres:units = "Pa" ;
pres:param = "0.3.0" ;
but CDO is still complaining that it cannot find it.
Do I need to define a new attribute for the air_pressure
variable with value "air_pressure"
RE: Model level to pressure interpolation for ICON - Added by Guido Cioni 12 months ago
Yes, I have to. Just replied to myself
In case anyone wonders, you can add this attribute (or change it) to match the expected string ncatted -a standard_name,pres,o,c,"air_pressure"
RE: Model level to pressure interpolation for ICON - Added by Ralf Mueller 12 months ago
yes. standard_name
is the CF-conform attribute you have to use
RE: Model level to pressure interpolation for ICON - Added by Ralf Mueller 12 months ago
a list of official names