


cdo + lambert conformal projection

Added by guillaume dueymes over 14 years ago

i've got a simple question before going forward,is CDO can operate with Lambert projection when i try to convert a netcdf file to a grib file ?


Guillaume Dueymes

Replies (9)

RE: cdo + lambert conformal projection - Added by Ralf Mueller over 14 years ago

Hi Guillaume,
the definitions for Lambert coordinates for GRIB and NetCDF are slightly different. CDO supports the GRIB version but not the version for NetCDF. We are working on a generalized implementation, but this is still in an early development stage. For the current and the next release, you have to keep everything in GRIB format when dealing with Lambert coordinates.

Kind regards

RE: cdo + lambert conformal projection - Added by guillaume dueymes over 14 years ago

Hi Ralf

thanks for your reply. I already got my data in Netcdf and I'm trying to convert them in GRIB. It's good to know that i can't convert my lambert coordinates in grib from Netcdf.



RE: cdo + lambert conformal projection - Added by Matthieu de Maillard over 14 years ago

Hi Ralf

I am actually trying to convert data from netcdf format to GRIB format. I succeeded in converting the file but only under lon-lat grid type.
But i need the GRIB file under the Lambert conformal grid type. Like Guillaume said above, I can't do that with CDO, do you know how i could switch the projection ?



RE: cdo + lambert conformal projection - Added by Ralf Mueller over 14 years ago

I didn't try it myself,yet. But NCL seems to be a good candidate. If you succeed with it, please let me know.


RE: cdo + lambert conformal projection - Added by guillaume dueymes over 14 years ago

Hi Ralf

sorry to disturb you one more time! Is CDO able to manage conversion from Netcdf to GRIB but with Transverse Mercator or Rotated pole grid projection ?

Many thanks


RE: cdo + lambert conformal projection - Added by Uwe Schulzweida over 14 years ago

Hi Guillaume,

Data on a rotated lonlat grid can be converted from netCDF<->GRIB.
There is only a minor problem if the netCDF file contains also the geographical coordinates.
In this case your have to set the environment variable IGNORE_ATT_COORDINATES=1.
The Transverse Mercator projection is not supported in CDO.


RE: cdo + lambert conformal projection - Added by Mouhamad AL SAYED ALI over 13 years ago

Dear all,

I have been trying to transfer netcdf file to grib usingcdo -f grb copy EH1PL1979.grb

but, I have obtained
do copy: Open failed on ><
Unsupported file type (library support not compiled in)

Can anyone help me, please ?



RE: cdo + lambert conformal projection - Added by Mouhamad AL SAYED ALI over 13 years ago

Dear all,

I have been trying to transfer netcdf file to grib using

cdo -f grb copy EH1PL1979.grb

but, I have obtained
do copy: Open failed on ><
Unsupported file type (library support not compiled in)

Can anyone help me, please ?



RE: cdo + lambert conformal projection - Added by Anonymous over 13 years ago


You mentioned that CDO supports the GRIB version but not the NetCDF version of Lambert conformal projection coordinates? Is this still the case with cdo-1.5.3, or has this been updated to allow netcdf capabilities?

Lindsay Fleetwood
