Plotting GPX (GPS Exchange Format) data with CDO
Added by cdo user over 3 years ago
Is it possible to plot GPX data with CDO?
"GPX, or GPS Exchange Format, is an XML schema designed as a common GPS data format for software applications. It can be used to describe waypoints, tracks, and routes."
If so, would it please be possible to receive any "how to" instructions / tips?
What I would like to do is to plot a route encoded in a GPX file over wind speed and direction encoded in a grib2 and/or NetCDF4 file.
Thank you.
wx_20170506_0430.gpx (35.7 KB) wx_20170506_0430.gpx |
Replies (4)
RE: Plotting GPX (GPS Exchange Format) data with CDO - Added by Karin Meier-Fleischer over 3 years ago
CDO is not what you need. Just google your question
How to plot data from gpx file format?
RE: Plotting GPX (GPS Exchange Format) data with CDO - Added by cdo user over 3 years ago
Hi Karin, What exactly do you mean by that? ;-P cdo user
RE: Plotting GPX (GPS Exchange Format) data with CDO - Added by Karin Meier-Fleischer over 3 years ago
Hm, should I answer this question? Since I am a polite person and always trying to help I will do so then.
In general: The data format GPX cannot be read by CDO (Climate Data Operators) and CDO is not a visualization program, it provides only simple plot routines.
To 'google' the question - search the internet - leads you to many links, like
click on it, and read.
RE: Plotting GPX (GPS Exchange Format) data with CDO - Added by cdo user over 3 years ago
Please do not be affraid. Thank you once again for providing the answer. ;-)
As I wrote in my other message, my main environment is Julia and based on preliminary tests of CDO plotting abilities (I understand provided by Magics) I really liked the simplicity and the output thus my question about GPX.
Heaving the opportunity, I will allow myself three additional questions:
- Are you maybe aware about any way of converting GPX to NetCDF4 in order to get CDO plotting it? Based on your experience, do you think that it is a viable option at all? Would converting to csv with ksh script [] be a viable option?
- Is CDO able to plot wind barbs? The tutorial provides following information: "thin_fac - Controls the actual number of wind arrows or FLAGS plotted. See Magics++ library for explanation" []
- And the last question, as I did only very preliminary tests, is it possible to combine two or more variables in the same plot? For example to plot wind speed, wind direction and pressure in the same plot?
With kind regards, ;-P
cdo user