


Converting curvilinear to unstructured.

Added by Brendan DeTracey about 4 years ago

Is there a simple way to convert a structured grid to an unstructured grid, discarding all missing values? del/selgridcell and reducegrid do what I need, but how to I tell them to not includes missing values?

Replies (2)

RE: Converting curvilinear to unstructured. - Added by Brendan DeTracey about 4 years ago

My gray matter has concluded this is, in effect, the same as this topic:"
Apologies for double posting.

RE: Converting curvilinear to unstructured. - Added by Ralf Mueller about 4 years ago

no problem. gray matter is a pre-form or dark matter - nobody know, what it is and how it works

not sure if I already posted this (cause my gray matter is still a mystery to me, too), but at you will find some in-depth docu on the reducegrid operator.

