


Source cell masking in calculating remap weights.

Added by Brendan DeTracey about 4 years ago

Is is possible to specify source grid masking calculating remapping weights? This would be like the imask variable in a SCRIP style source grid definition. This would allow users to remap grids that have duplicate vertices for some cells such as the output from many current ocean models(tripolar grids). Currently, CDO may not interpolate these grids because they fail grid verification, but the grid points that fail verification are (usually) NaN and should not be used in weight calculations. Either a source grid mask option, and/or a genweight option to ignore all cells with duplicate vertices(with a warning message) would be extremely useful. And it would reduce the number of questions from NEMO users! If this is possible should I create an Issue for the suggestion?

Replies (29)

RE: Source cell masking in calculating remap weights. - Added by Ralf Mueller about 4 years ago

Happy New Year, Brendan!

Reduce the number of questions - that's like the wisdom of the year ;-)

I have to admit, that I did not fully understand your question: Do you have missing values in the coordinates?

An example file might by helpful


RE: Source cell masking in calculating remap weights. - Added by Brendan DeTracey about 4 years ago

On some curvilinear ocean grids there are dummy grid cells that must exist simply to have no holes in the data array. Tripolar grids are a good example. These cells will never have values. Since they do not matter their center coordinates and vertex coordinates may be duplicates or filled with rubbish. This means that in order to remap them using cdo, there must be an option to exclude these points when generating the weights, or cdo throws an error. Although these cells will always be rubbish, it is because they are rubbish by design, not due to bad or missing data. I think cdo could still remap these grids if a mask were provided of their rubbish cells. cdo weight generation would simply then simply skip the bad cells. My ideal suggestions are:
  1. Add an option to weight generation that uses verifygrid to generate this mask of rubbish points and apply it automatically.
  2. Add an option to weight generation to apply an arbitrary mask provided by the user.
  3. Add an option to verifygrid to write this mask to a file.

A less ideal but simpler solution would be to add an option to weight generation that simply ignores cells that it detects are invalid, and prints a warning.

As I searched for an example I found an even more pathological example. Try running a verbose verifygrid on it. The output is too long to paste here.

$ cdo gencon,global_1
cdo    gencon: YAC first order conservative weights from curvilinear (362x294) to lonlat (360x180) grid, with source mask (65087)
cdo    gencon:   5%ERROR: invalid cell

Aborting in file clipping.c, line 1295 ...

RE: Source cell masking in calculating remap weights. - Added by Brendan DeTracey about 4 years ago

For my case, I am talking about conservative weights. Bilinear weights do not fail on this file.

RE: Source cell masking in calculating remap weights. - Added by Brendan DeTracey about 4 years ago

Ack. They do not fail, but they would still benefit from rubbish cell masking.

$ cdo remapbil,global_1
cdo    remapbil: Bilinear weights from curvilinear (362x294) to lonlat (360x180) grid, with source mask (65087)
cdo    remapbil: Processed 106428 values from 1 variable over 1 timestep [0.14s 50MB].<pre>


RE: Source cell masking in calculating remap weights. - Added by Ralf Mueller about 4 years ago

I am too familiar with the details of tripolar grid, but MPIOM (the ocean model developed here at MPIMET) can be run on a tripolar grid, too. Depending the differences in the description and the exact layout of it CDO might already have a reasonable workaround for you.

Your suggestion regarding the possible output of a mask by varifygrid sounds like a good approach. When I run it on your input, it gives:

cdo    verifygrid: Grid consists of 106428 (362x294) cells (type: curvilinear), of which
cdo    verifygrid:        30 cells have 3 vertices
cdo    verifygrid:    106036 cells have 4 vertices
cdo    verifygrid:        30 cells have duplicate vertices
cdo    verifygrid:       362 cells have unusable vertices
cdo    verifygrid:       947 cells are not unique
cdo    verifygrid:       369 cells are non-convex
cdo    verifygrid:         9 cells have their vertices arranged in a clockwise order
cdo    verifygrid:       153 cells have their center point located outside their boundaries
cdo    verifygrid:        lon : -179.9965 to 179.9903 degrees
cdo    verifygrid:        lat : -79.00794 to 89.74177 degrees
cdo    verifygrid: Processed 1 variable [0.17s 62MB].

So the first question is: Does this operator really identify the correct cells to be taken into account as 'valid' ones? Are the 106036 cells the good ones and the all other cells are bad? I guess you want to keep the curvilinear structure of the file intact.

I will talk to Uwe about this and he probably has more (and more sophisticated) questions ;-)

best wishes

RE: Source cell masking in calculating remap weights. - Added by Brendan DeTracey about 4 years ago

Ack! It will depend on how the tests are done. My guess is that masked(rubbish) cells:
  1. have less than three vertices
  2. are not unique
  3. have their vertices arranged in a clockwise order
  4. have their center point located outside their boundaries
    The only hitch for unstructured grids is a cell may have less than the maximum possible number of vertices. The excess vertices are dealt with by continuing to wind around the cell counterclockwise.

RE: Source cell masking in calculating remap weights. - Added by Brendan DeTracey about 4 years ago

I really wish there was an edit button...I meant to be talking about curvilinear grids, not unstructured.

For curvilinear grids change 1 above to:
  1. have less than four vertices

and add:
5. are non-convex

I think the four tests still apply to unstructured grids. Unstructured grid cell need to be allowed to be non-convex.

RE: Source cell masking in calculating remap weights. - Added by Uwe Schulzweida about 4 years ago

The source grid mask is automatically generated from the missing values of the input data. The coordinates are already processed before. If some coordinates cannot be processed, they must be removed beforehand:

cdo remapcon,global_1 -selindexbox,2,361,2,293 result
If the source grid mask is constant, you can extract this mask and use reducegrid to remove all unused cells:
cdo setmisstoc,0 -gtc,-1000  mask
cdo remapcon,global_1 -reducegrid,mask result


RE: Source cell masking in calculating remap weights. - Added by Ralf Mueller about 4 years ago

hi Uwe!

I had excluded the reducegrid operator from my (mental) options for a workaround, because it creates an unstructured grid. But as an intermediate step towards another target grid, the unstructured grid is fine - wonderful solution in my opinion.

here is some more info about reducegrid


RE: Source cell masking in calculating remap weights. - Added by Brendan DeTracey about 4 years ago

Yes. But how do I create the source grid mask for rubbish cells on the command line? The only workflow I see is:
  1. run cdo -v verifygrid
  2. write a script to parse stdout to get indices for rubbish cells, format them to a comma delimited string and save the string to a text file
  3. pass the indices string from the text files to cdo gencon,global_1 -delgridcell,indices

The proper(in both english and french sense) solution would be allowing options to verifygrid such that it generates a mask file. The mask would be determined by letting the user choose which tests a cell fails in verifygrid.
When I choose to use cdo, I do it as a personal choice to minimize code writing. I will hack up my own bash, awk, or python solution to this and it will not take very long. However, you will continue to have users asking why their CMIP ocean model data will not remap in cdo. :)

RE: Source cell masking in calculating remap weights. - Added by Brendan DeTracey about 4 years ago

I'll provide real examples of what I mean, whenever I manage to restore my VPN connection to work.

RE: Source cell masking in calculating remap weights. - Added by Brendan DeTracey about 4 years ago

Here is the demo. I suppose my goal is trying to get cdo to remapcon CMIP6 ocean model output, much of which is on curvilinear tripolar grids. I do not understand why it will not work if the grid is reduced from curvilinear to unstructured. The problem is that much of the CMIP6 ocean model output is improperly formatted. Sometimes the grid vertices have been filled with fake values, and these fake values break remapcon.
The demo is my imperfect attempt to get remapcon to work on all the CMIP6 ocean grids. One problem is that I am throwing away all duplicates, but I want to throw away only duplicates with a data value of NaN. I can't think of a solution within cdo.

RE: Source cell masking in calculating remap weights. - Added by Ralf Mueller about 4 years ago

Hi Brendan!

please have a look into the uploaded script. It's basically Uwe's suggestion working on your example inputs. Verifygrid shows only a single warning on one of the final output files. Can you comment on what exactly is wrong with the output from your point of view

I could not find NaNs, but only correctly set FillValues. I mean I have problems to identify the misuse you mentioned before.


RE: Source cell masking in calculating remap weights. - Added by Brendan DeTracey about 4 years ago

Sorry Ralph, for the spaghetti of my thought processes. When I said NaN I meant FillValues.

I think I finally have a grasp on what my true problem is...
Operators sel/delgridcell and reducegrid do not have an option to exclude fill values when converting to unstructured.

$ cdo eq
$ cdo reducegrid,
$ ncdump -v,zos | less

Is there a way to do this?

If reducegrid and/or setgrid,unstructured and/or sel/delgrid had an option to exclude FillValues that would be boss.

RE: Source cell masking in calculating remap weights. - Added by Uwe Schulzweida about 4 years ago

Hi Brendan,

Your demo is not working correctly, because the verbose output of verifygrid is wrong. The cell numbers for the duplicate points are wrong. The coordinates were previously sorted and the output therefore also refers to the sorted array. Since this makes no sense, I have removed this output for the next CDO version.


RE: Source cell masking in calculating remap weights. - Added by Ralf Mueller about 4 years ago

Brendan DeTracey wrote:

Sorry Ralph, for the spaghetti of my thought processes. When I said NaN I meant FillValues.

I think I finally have a grasp on what my true problem is...
Operators sel/delgridcell and reducegrid do not have an option to exclude fill values when converting to unstructured.

They DO have that option. you just have to set the mask values to 0 instead of FillValue. that's why in Uwe's (and my) solution there is

as the final step in the mask creation. This sets all missing values to 0. then it works - or at least what I think it is supposed to do.


Is there a way to do this?

If reducegrid and/or setgrid,unstructured and/or sel/delgrid had an option to exclude FillValues that would be boss.

I think setgrid does not take into account any values of the data fields at all. it just sets coordinates

RE: Source cell masking in calculating remap weights. - Added by Brendan DeTracey about 4 years ago

Thanks. I did not understand that the mask should not have FillValues. But now:

$ cdo setmisstoc,0 -eq
$ cdo -v remapcon,global_1 -reducegrid, 2>&1 > log.txt


RE: Source cell masking in calculating remap weights. - Added by Brendan DeTracey about 4 years ago

Dammit. Please ignore. I forgot to load my environment with the latest version of cdo. Then the last example works perfectly!

RE: Source cell masking in calculating remap weights. - Added by Brendan DeTracey about 4 years ago

Worked beautifully for all samples except IPSL:

$ cdo setmisstoc,0 -eq
cdo(1) eq: Process started
cdo(1) eq: Processed 480736 values from 4 variables over 2 timesteps.
cdo    setmisstoc: Processed 240368 values from 2 variables over 1 timestep [0.06s 41MB].
$ cdo remapcon,global_1 -reducegrid,
cdo(1) reducegrid: Process started
cdo    remapcon: YAC first order conservative weights from unstructured (120184) to lonlat (360x180) grid
cdo    remapcon:   2%ERROR: invalid cell

Aborting in file clipping.c, line 1295 ...

RE: Source cell masking in calculating remap weights. - Added by Brendan DeTracey about 4 years ago

Which I now see is because the IPSL data has halo. After trimming all is good! Thanks so much for your patience!

RE: Source cell masking in calculating remap weights. - Added by Ralf Mueller about 4 years ago

great - happy to hear that you now got a solution


RE: Source cell masking in calculating remap weights. - Added by Feng Wang over 2 years ago

Hi all,
I had the same problem when trying to regrid some sea ice fraction data from CMIP6 simulations. These files were in Oceanic grid. I wish to remap them to Gaussian grid using the remapcon function. However, it did not work. Following your discussions, I was able to generate a mask from my data. But could not move further. Here is an example of data. Could you give some solutions, please? Thanks.

#I followed this, and it worked.
cdo -L setmisstoc,0 -gtc,-1000

#In this step it produced one file which cannot be regridded.
cdo -L reducegrid,


RE: Source cell masking in calculating remap weights. - Added by Estanislao Gavilan over 2 years ago

Hi Feng,
Did you try to specify the grid.txt file? Like this one

gridtype = lonlat
xsize = 1440
ysize = 721
xfirst = 0
xinc = 0.25
yfirst = -90
yinc = 0.25

you can change the resolution. Then, you just need to type

cdo remapcon,grid.txt

RE: Source cell masking in calculating remap weights. - Added by Feng Wang over 2 years ago

Hi Estanislao,
Thanks a lot. That works well!
Out of my curiosity, why something like below did not work?

cdo remapcon,n32


RE: Source cell masking in calculating remap weights. - Added by Estanislao Gavilan over 2 years ago

Hi Feng,
I am not sure. One of the admins will know for sure. Sometimes the version of the cdo has small bugs, and it does not inform you well about the problem. Uwe said that the 2.0.6 version was going to correct sevEral issues related with remapcon and the attributes of the nc file. Also, it could be that there is something missing in your command or your are working on windows/mac instead of linux. There are many small things that could be the problem. The important thing is you got your grid interpolated! you must celebrate it (hoopefully without baijiu involved)!


