CDO error on conda/linux due to ecccodes update
Added by Robert Wilson over 4 years ago
Just flagging something you are maybe already aware of. The latest version of CDO on conda-forge has stopped working.
I get the following error:
cdo: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
The problem seems to be eccodes. They upgraded it a couple of days ago, and that seems to have broken CDO 1.9.8.
CDO version 1.9.7 seems fine as installing it downgrades eccodes.
Replies (3)
RE: CDO error on conda/linux due to ecccodes update - Added by Joseph S over 4 years ago
Robert, I experienced a similar error. My solution is briefly discussed at the link below.
Basically, I completely removed the conda versions of cdo, eccodes, and libeccodes-tools, and used the Syanptic package manager (in Linux Mint 20) to install the latest available builds of cdo, eccodes, libeccodes, and all of the respected dependencies. CDO works fine again, and the cdo version is listed as 1.9.9. I used it extensively over the weekend and everything works perfectly. Eventually, I'm confident that it will become possible to install a working version of cdo with conda again.
RE: CDO error on conda/linux due to ecccodes update - Added by Robert Wilson over 4 years ago
My solution was simpler. Just downgrade eccodes.
I noticed the failure with a daily build for my package nctoolkit, which is on conda. The solution for the conda version of nctoolkit was to force the version of eccodes to be below 2.19.0. So the conda-forge version of nctoolkit is now fine.
RE: CDO error on conda/linux due to ecccodes update - Added by Joseph S over 4 years ago
One more item for the record: The Synaptic package manager in Linux Mint 20 installed CDO 1.9.9 (which is actually a release candidate), and an older version of eccodes, 1.96, which is the latest available version through the package manager. Regardless, it works perfectly -- for now.
Kind regards,