What will happen:
- upgrade of the Subversion server
- renaming of the Subversion server
to svn.mpimet.mpg.de
- Tuesday, April 10th, 8 am - 9:30 am
Who/What is affected:
- Subversion on the server has been upgraded to v1.8
- The machine has been renamed to
What to do after the maintenance:
If you are still using SVN repositories, then you should prepare them for future use:
- You might need to accept a new SSL server certificate after
$ svn update
Updating '.':
Error validating server certificate for 'https://svn.zmaw.de:443':
- The certificate is not issued by a trusted authority. Use the
fingerprint to validate the certificate manually!
Certificate information:
- Hostname: svn.mpimet.mpg.de
- Valid: from Apr 6 12:26:43 2018 GMT until Jul 9 12:26:43 2020 GMT
- Issuer: Max-Planck-Gesellschaft, Muenchen, Bayern, DE
- Fingerprint: 87:7E:34:73:AC:47:C8:0A:CA:D1:48:27:90:B9:2F:DB:8F:31:29:2C
- The repositories might need to be upgraded:
$ svn upgrade
- if you are still using SVN repositories, then these repositories might need to be relocated using
svn relocate
after the maintenance, e.g. for repository libmtime
$ svn relocate https://svn.mpimet.mpg.de/svn/libmtime
This system will be unavailable due tue maintenance, on Tuesday, 12th of April between 8:00 and 10:00 CEST.
What will happen:
- upgrade of the operating system on svn.zmaw.de and svn-zmk.zmaw.de
- Tuesday, March 3rd, 10 am - 2 pm
Who/What is affected:
- The upgrades requires a downtime of both subversion servers
- Neither the repositories hosted on both servers, nor the svn access manager will be usable during the maintenance, including access from the Redmine server code.zmaw.de
- During the maintenance you might see error messages, when clicking the repository inside the Redmine server
- No major upgrade of the subversion package will happen (1.6.12 -> 1.6.17), so we don't expect any compatibility issues with existing working copies
The Redmine service has been upgraded to version 2.3.
A condensed list of fixes and features coming with the new version is available at Redmine-New-Features.
Have Fun!
The Redmine system on this platform is going to be upgraded on Monday, 2nd of December. The Redmine service won't be available from 10:00 am on for several hours and is expected back online during afternoon.
A condensed list of fixes and features coming with the new version is available at Redmine-New-Features.
The Redmine System on this platform is going to be upgraded soon, please expect a service interruption due to the maintenance in late November.
A condensed list of fixes and features available with the new version is available at Redmine-New-Features.
As soon as the final upgrade date is set, we'll let you know through this News system.
ZMAW-Users only:
From Tuesday, November 12th 2013 on the password for your ldap account on this site will be changed to your login password, the old "e-mail"-password won't work anymore. Please see Rainer Weigles e-mail to the zmaw-all mailinglist for details. In case of problems please contact help-it@zmaw.de.
Dear user of the ZMAW Redmine Service,
due to users' demand, and in our endless efforts to make our Redmine system as useful as possible, we would like to re-configure the system to allow email notification not only for changes in Issues (as it is now), but also for News, Documents, Wikis, Forums, and Files. This means that you may e.g. go to your favourite Forum to click the 'watch' button and get an email notification whenever someone posts a new message.
While this allows for more flexibility in using Redmine for your projects, we definitely want to avoid 'Redmine spamming' for those of you who prefer checking their favourite pages themselves, or use the Atom feeds to stay up-to-date.
So we would like you to take some minutes to read the following paragraphs about the potential impact of this change for your daily work.
The change will become effective on Friday, February 15th, at noon (UTC).
Of course, if you have further questions or feedback, feel free to contact us at any time (but only expect us to answer during German office hours...)
Best regards, Your ZMAW Redmine Administration Team
Attachment: Notification of Events in ZMAW's Redmine
Redmine supports git repositories, but to use them from another server is not straightforward. A new wiki entry in Guidelines tells you as project manager how things work.
Creating tables in the Redmine Wiki and other pages is quite easy, but the formatting used for this is not readily found on the Redmine help pages (neither here nor there). Thus we have added a table entry to our FAQ.
Besides, there used to be other code snippets for this and that. These and further example table are now collected on an example page.