


Important info on email notification

Distributed via email by Karl-Hermann Wieners, 2013-02-08 03:28 PM CET
Added by Karl-Hermann Wieners about 11 years ago

Dear user of the ZMAW Redmine Service,

due to users' demand, and in our endless efforts to make our Redmine system as useful as possible, we would like to re-configure the system to allow email notification not only for changes in Issues (as it is now), but also for News, Documents, Wikis, Forums, and Files. This means that you may e.g. go to your favourite Forum to click the 'watch' button and get an email notification whenever someone posts a new message.

While this allows for more flexibility in using Redmine for your projects, we definitely want to avoid 'Redmine spamming' for those of you who prefer checking their favourite pages themselves, or use the Atom feeds to stay up-to-date.

So we would like you to take some minutes to read the following paragraphs about the potential impact of this change for your daily work.

The change will become effective on Friday, February 15th, at noon (UTC).

Of course, if you have further questions or feedback, feel free to contact us at any time (but only expect us to answer during German office hours...)

Best regards, Your ZMAW Redmine Administration Team

Attachment: Notification of Events in ZMAW's Redmine
