


Using the web page

The web page is an interface to the evaluation system. It provides some of the funktionality of the tools analyze and solr_search.

For an understanding of the web site's functionality we strongly recommend to read the documentation of the tools.

Accessing the tools of analyze

You can log in to the page with your DKRZ credentials. Only logged-in users can access the tools and use the functionality of the system.

Available tools

The very left entry 'Tools' in the menu bar gives you a list of the available tools. This list is equal to the output of analyze --list.


To start a tool you simply select it from the list. Now, up to three options appear:

  • Start analysis
    • This brings up a new window, where you can set the configuration. This Window depends on the tool and has the same options as you would set by using the command analyze --tool.
  • Show History
    • This displays the history entry for this specific tool and the logged-in user.
  • Documentation (some tools only)
    • Here a detailed documentation is given. This is especially the case for complex tools.


Start jobs

Start the analysis by selecting the tool and then clicking then button 'Start analysis'. Now, a configuration form shows-up. The configuration is tool dependent, all default values will be displayed. All options have a short description and as far as possible the interface provides options to choose. Nevertheless, you should be familiar with the options to get the most out of the tools.


You can submit the job by clicking the 'Run' button at the bottom of the document. The system asks you to provide your password. After successful submission your job will be sent to the slurm scheduler. You will be redirect to a page were your jobs progress is shown.