To get the history:
$ freva --history 24) pca [2013-01-14 10:46:44.575529] <THIS MUST BE DEFINED!>.pca.<THIS MUST BE DEFINED!>.nc {u'normalize... 23) pca [2013-01-14 10:46:01.322760] None.pca.None.nc {u'normalize': u'true', u'testorthog': u'true', u'... 22) nclplot [2013-01-11 14:51:40.910996] first_plot.eps {u'plot_name': u'first_plot', u'file_path': u'tas_Am... 21) nclplot [2013-01-11 14:44:15.297102] first_plot.eps {u'plot_name': u'first_plot', u'file_path': u'tas_Am... 20) nclplot [2013-01-11 14:43:37.748200] first_plot.eps {u'plot_name': u'first_plot', u'file_path': u'tas_Am... [...]
It shows just the 10 latest entries, i.e. the 10 latest analysis that were performed. To create more complex queries check the help:
$ freva --history --help
Displays the last 10 entries with a one-line compact description. The first number you see is the entry id, which you might use to select single entries. DATE FORMAT Dates can be given in "YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss.n" or any less accurate subset of it. These are all valid: "2012-02-01 10:08:32.1233431", "2012-02-01 10:08:32", "2012-02-01 10:08", "2012-02-01 10", "2012-02-01", "2012-02", "2012". These are *NOT*: "01/01/2010", "10:34", "2012-20-01" Missing values are assumed to be the minimal allowed value. For example: "2012" == "2012-01-01 00:00:00.0" Please note that in the shell you need to escape spaces. All these are valid examples (at least for the bash shell): freva --history --since=2012-10-1\ 10:35 freva --history --since=2012-10-1" "10:35' Usage: freva --history [options] Options: -d, --debug turn on debugging info and show stack trace on exceptions. -h, --help show this help message and exit --full_text If present shows the complete configuration stored --return_command Show freva commands belonging to the history entries instead of the entries themself. --limit=N n is the number of entries to be displayed --plugin=NAME Display only entries from plugin "name" --since=DATE Retrieve entries older than date (see DATE FORMAT) --until=DATE Retrieve entries newer than date (see DATE FORMAT) --entry_ids=IDs Select entries whose ids are in "ids" (e.g. entry_ids=1,2 or entry_ids=5)
You can view the configuration used at nay time and the satatus of the created files (i.e. if the files are still there or has been modified)
$ freva --history --plugin=pca --limit=1 --full_text 26) pca v3.1.0 [2013-01-14 10:51:26.244553] Configuration: areaweight=false boots=100 bootstrap=false eigvalscale=false eofs=-1 input=test.nc latname=lat missingvalue=1e+38 normalize=false outputdir=/home/user/evaluation_system/output/pca pcafile=test.nc.pca.tas.nc principals=true projection=test.nc.pro.tas.nc session=1 shiftlats=false testorthog=false threads=7 variable=tas Output: /home/user/evaluation_system/output/pca/test.nc.pca.tas.nc (deleted)
The history offers a more direct way to re-run tools. The option return_command shows the analyze command belonging to the configuration. Here an example for the tool movieplotter:
analyze --history --plugin=movieplotter --limit=1 --return_command
It returns:
/miklip/home/zmaw/u290038/git/evaluation_system/bin/analyze --tool movieplotter latlon='None' polar='None' work='/home/zmaw/u290038/evaluation_system/cache/movieplotter/1387364295586' reverse='False' range_min='None' collage='False' range_max='None' earthball='False' level='0' ntasks='24' input=''/miklip/integration/data4miklip/projectdata/DroughtClip/output/MPI-M/MPI-ESM-LR/dec08o1914/mon/atmos/tas/r1i1p1/tas_Amon_MPI-ESM-LR_dec08o1914_r1i1p1_191501-192412.nc'' loops='0' colortable='ncl_default' animate='True' cacheclear='True' resolution='800' outputdir='/home/zmaw/u290038/evaluation_system/output/movieplotter' secperpic='1.0'
This is not an handy expression, but very useful. A re-run of the tool in batch shell could be easily performed by
$(freva --history --plugin=movieplotter --limit=1 --return_command)