List of packages to install with cygwin
Added by SHUBHAM TIWARI almost 5 years ago
I know there are a lot of answers related to this but can anyone please mention the list of all cygwin packages associated with cdo.
Thank you.
Replies (21)
RE: List of packages to install with cygwin - Added by Ralf Mueller almost 5 years ago
you can find it here
RE: List of packages to install with cygwin - Added by SHUBHAM TIWARI almost 5 years ago
Thank you for the info.
I have installed the cdo but the grib to nc conversion is not working.
How to proceed from here?!!
RE: List of packages to install with cygwin - Added by Ralf Mueller almost 5 years ago
have your read this ?
RE: List of packages to install with cygwin - Added by SHUBHAM TIWARI almost 5 years ago
I went through the thread and followed your concluding comment. but there is some error. I have attached the image of cygwin terminal.
I added a tar-file in the download-area: that can be used like this with cygwin:
cd /usr/local
mkdir -p share
tar xzf <path-to-downloaded-eccodes-share.tar.gz>
cdo -g grb2 -chname,topo,orog -topo t.grb2
RE: List of packages to install with cygwin - Added by Ralf Mueller almost 5 years ago
you have to use UNIX-like paths in the cygwin like
tar xzf /cygdrive/f/abc/eccodes-share.tar.gz
RE: List of packages to install with cygwin - Added by SHUBHAM TIWARI almost 5 years ago
Thank you for your reply and help.
the eccodes are extracted and installed now.
and cdo is also installed after running ./cdo.exe along with the mentioned packages.
but it shows cdo command not found, for all the commands.
RE: List of packages to install with cygwin - Added by SHUBHAM TIWARI almost 5 years ago
Thank you for your reply and help.
the eccodes are extracted and installed now.
and cdo is also installed after running ./cdo.exe along with the mentioned packages.
but it shows cdo command not found, for all the commands.
RE: List of packages to install with cygwin - Added by Ralf Mueller almost 5 years ago
cdoseems to work, right?
RE: List of packages to install with cygwin - Added by SHUBHAM TIWARI almost 5 years ago
yes cdo is installed. but while using cdo as command, it shows command not found.
RE: List of packages to install with cygwin - Added by Ralf Mueller almost 5 years ago
ok, I think I have to come up with some UNIX-basics here (sorry, in case I misunderstood)
- In order to be able to execute CDO in all directories (using the cygwin terminal) you have to copy the binary into
- your uploaded image look ok to me. CDO gives a message, that it was called without using an operator and prints its command line help. that's perfectly fine.
so I guess, all you have to do is
cp cdo.exe /usr/local/bin/
RE: List of packages to install with cygwin - Added by SHUBHAM TIWARI almost 5 years ago
There is again an error named CDO (abort).
RE: List of packages to install with cygwin - Added by Ralf Mueller almost 5 years ago
it must be
cdo -f grb2 ...instead of
cdo -g grb2 ....
RE: List of packages to install with cygwin - Added by SHUBHAM TIWARI almost 5 years ago
There is some eccodes error.
RE: List of packages to install with cygwin - Added by SHUBHAM TIWARI almost 5 years ago
I kept everything in usr/local, but in the ecd eccodes shows some error.
Should i try installing everything again?
RE: List of packages to install with cygwin - Added by SHUBHAM TIWARI almost 5 years ago
I reinstalled every thing again. The error with eccodes is still same.
RE: List of packages to install with cygwin - Added by Ralf Mueller almost 5 years ago
you extracted the eccodes-tar file into /usr/local
, BUT it has to be /usr/local/share
- can you move the eccodes
directory from /usr/local
to /usr/local/share
I think I missed this in the other thread ...
RE: List of packages to install with cygwin - Added by SHUBHAM TIWARI almost 5 years ago
Yes it is working.
Thanking for your patience and help.
for conversion of grib to nc the command is cdo -f nc copy ABC.grib (it is working fine)
what is the command to convert .grd file to nc and .h5 file to nc.
Thank you very much.
RE: List of packages to install with cygwin - Added by Ralf Mueller almost 5 years ago
no problem - finally it turned out to be my mistake, because I missed the share
directory in original post. will edit my old post then
thx for your patience, too!
you can set the output format like
- netcdf
-f nc
- grib1
-f grb
- grib2
-f grb2
hdf5 files are not CF-conform, so CDO cannot handle them in general. there are some operators for importing specifically formatted hdf5 (import_cmsaf
), but there is no general support for plain hdf5 input/output.
for transforming hdf5 to netcdf I would try using NCL's script: ncl_convert2nc
- but in fact that's just a guess because I usually don't work with hdf5 data.
RE: List of packages to install with cygwin - Added by SHUBHAM TIWARI almost 5 years ago
Thank you for the info.
I am asking about .grd (and not grb). I guess we can convert .grd to .nc using cdo in cygwin. I will be thankful if you can share the command for the same.
P.S. I will figure out something else for .h5 conversion.
RE: List of packages to install with cygwin - Added by Ralf Mueller almost 5 years ago
sorry fort the misunderstanding. what is the .grd
input format?