


proj4 support for win32?

Added by Joerg Trentmann over 13 years ago


we recently experienced error messages using the win32-cdo-excecutable ( that suggested that the proj4-library is not included in this distribution. Is this indeed the case (it might also have been another issue with our application of cdo) and would it be possible to include proj4-support also in the Windows Version of cdo?

Thanks and keep on the good work,

Replies (4)

RE: proj4 support for win32? - Added by Ralf Mueller over 13 years ago

I will check this.

RE: proj4 support for win32? - Added by Ralf Mueller over 13 years ago

I missed proj4 in the configure call, sorry. The uploaded zip-file includes CDI with proj4-support

RE: proj4 support for win32? - Added by Joerg Trentmann over 13 years ago

Hi Ralf,

thanks for the prompt support!

Are you going to include the proj4-library in future win32-cdo version? Is it already included in the new version For our applications this library can be quite useful.

Thanks, best regards to Hamburg,

RE: proj4 support for win32? - Added by Ralf Mueller over 13 years ago

Joerg Trentmann wrote:

Hi Ralf,

thanks for the prompt support!

Are you going to include the proj4-library in future win32-cdo version? Is it already included in the new version For our applications this library can be quite useful.

Sure, it is in cdo-1.5.3-win32 and -cygwin release package, see here.
I just forgot the proj4-related switches in the configure call for the win32 build.

