


Mask NETCDF file by shapefile?

Added by L. Santos almost 5 years ago

hello everyone, could someone help me?
I'm trying to make a mask for a netcdf file just from my study area, which is the shapefile area that I have.
I used an NCL script to transform my shapefile file into netcdf. So you can use it in the CDO to make the mask. However, the CDO cannot read the file I created with the NCL
the script I used was this one, proposed by a user of this forum

load "/usr/local/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/shapefile_utils.ncl" ; 
shpname = "/home/Luiz/bacia_ama_bolivia.shp"
maskname = "/home/Luiz/"
;-- open data file to get the grid to be used
f = addfile("","r")
vNames = getfilevarnames (f) ; Pegar o nome das variaveis no arquivo
;print(vNames) ; mostrar o nome das variaveis
; Devem estar os nomes de cada variavel do arquivo selecionado
;-- read variable
var = f->GPM_3IMERGM_06_precipitation(:,:)
var@lat2d = f->lat_bnds
var@lon2d = f->lon_bnds
;-- shapefile mask resources
opt = True
opt@return_mask = True ;-- this forces the return of a 0s and 1s mask array
;-- create the mask based on the given shapefile
mask_array = shapefile_mask_data(var, shpname, opt)
mask_array!0 = "y"
mask_array!1 = "x"
mask_array@coordinates = "lat_bnds lon_bnds"
;-- create new netCDF file and write mask array
system("rm f " + maskname)
fout = addfile(maskname,"c")
>mask_array = mask_array
fout->lat_bnds = f->lat_bnds
fout->lon_bnds = f->lon_bnds
df = addfile("","r")

what am i doing wrong? can anybody help me

Replies (3)

RE: Mask NETCDF file by shapefile? - Added by Karin Meier-Fleischer almost 5 years ago

Hi Luiz,

why are you using the lat_bnds/lon_bnds? You ahve to use lat and lon as usual.

load "/usr/local/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/shapefile_utils.ncl" ; 

    shpname  = "/home/Luiz/bacia_ama_bolivia.shp" 
    maskname = "/home/Luiz/" 


    ;-- open data file to get the grid to be used
    f = addfile("","r")

    vNames = getfilevarnames (f) ; Pegar o nome das variaveis no arquivo

    ;-- read variable
    var                    =  f->GPM_3IMERGM_06_precipitation(:,:)
    var@lat2d              =  f->lat
    var@lon2d              =  f->lon

    ;-- shapefile mask resources
    opt             =  True
    opt@return_mask =  True    ;-- this forces the return of a 0s and 1s mask array

    ;-- create the mask based on the given shapefile
    mask_array             =  shapefile_mask_data(var, shpname, opt)
    mask_array!0           = "y" 
    mask_array!1           = "x" 
    mask_array@coordinates = "lat lon" 

    ;-- create new netCDF file and write mask array
    system("rm -f " + maskname)
    fout = addfile(maskname,"c")

    fout->mask_array =  mask_array
    fout->lat_bnds   =  f->lat_bnds
    fout->lon_bnds   =  f->lon_bnds


RE: Mask NETCDF file by shapefile? - Added by L. Santos almost 5 years ago

Hi Karin..It worked..was using the wrong variable. thank you very much ... and thank you for your script in ncl. helped me a lot.

RE: Mask NETCDF file by shapefile? - Added by Alessandro Ceppi almost 3 years ago

Hi Karin,

I have the same problem, but with netcdf from here:!/dataset/sis-urban-climate-cities?tab=form
I cannot sort something out.
Can you help me, please?
here it is my script:

load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/shapefile_utils.ncl" ;

shpname = "/home/lucacerri/sol_img/mappe_meteo/sol/corsico/corsico.shp"
maskname = "/home/lucacerri/sol_img/mappe_meteo/sol/corsico/"

;-- open data file to get the grid to be used
f = addfile("","r")
vNames = getfilevarnames (f) ;
;-- read variable
var = f->tas(0,:,:)
var@lat2d = f->latitude
var@lon2d = f->longitude
;-- shapefile mask resources
opt = True
opt@return_mask = True ;-- this forces the return of a 0s and 1s mask array
;-- create the mask based on the given shapefile
mask_array = shapefile_mask_data(var, shpname, opt)
mask_array!0 = "y"
mask_array!1 = "x"
mask_array@coordinates = "latitude longitude"
;-- create new netCDF file and write mask array
system("rm -f " + maskname)
fout = addfile(maskname,"c")
fout->mask_array =  mask_array
fout->latitude = f->latitude
fout->longitude = f->longitude

and here are the files nectdf and shapefiles.
Many thanks in advance.

corsico.rar (4.95 KB) corsico.rar shapefile (500 KB) netcdf